Hey Everybody!

I just realised how totally wierd the mp3 audio I have is! I don't mean the stuff I recorded, the stuff I got online... theres epic music, the guy is super-dramatic, and they have INSTRUMENTAL BREAKS!!! So funny!

Sorry I haven't been updating the falshcards, I haven't gottne the questions. I'll have it up to the quiz meet by the quiz meet... I promise!

Anybody else realise something funny in their audio, recorded or online?

Yes, I am fully aware that this is late... and yes, I am aware that I'll have more to do in a few hours (Its Chapter 13 week!) but I've been sick all weekend so I took a bit longer to finish these ones up.
Thats so you don't have to go searching through the studying page to find them!
Have fun studying!! :o)
Hey Quizzers!!!

Just thought I'd let y'all know that I posted a study tip and a study method on the website from Josh, a super-quizzer on Southgate.  So check em out.

One more thing: I KNOW that I'm not on time with the flashcards.  I know. BUT I promise I'll have them up sooner than later, and I'll post a blog when I do.  How bout I make a goal? By... Saturday. I'll have up to chapter 12 by Saturday. I think. I hope. So keep watching the blog.

Haha. I just made an excuse to get y'all to read my blog. But seriously... I'll get the cards up and post a blog.

Thanks for keeping the site alive, guys!
