Is that even a word? I'm not sure.  But April once again is awesome and has reminded me that I haven't blogged announcing the next quiz meet yet, like I usually do!  Obviously, Winter break has taken a bit of a toll on my mind (and as my team would testify, my quizzing :oS).  But I do have a list of valid excusees including the following (yes, I'm about to list a bunch of excuses for not blogging):
It's January, and not only does my dance school have our recital in the beginning of January, the 25th of the month is Robbie Burns Day, and Highland dancers are naturally super busy around that time.  I had a dance performance yesterday and I will have another one tomorrow.  If that's not excuse enough, my class was also working on new choreograpy at the beginning of December that we had just over a month to prepare, and I have a championship that I've been preparing to enter in, so I've been super dedicated to my dancing lately. Not that I haven't been trying to study as much quizzing as possible, of course.
Also, I've been really busy with my new job at Jysk.  At one point I was working 20 hours in one week, although now it has eased up considerably to 7 hours, 6 this week.  I literally wore pieces of dance costumes under my work clothes twice this week.
Annnnd I am now co-directing (coaching and choreographing for, scheduling practices for, writing letters to the parents of) a dance team at my church.  Which if you lie in Edmonton you need to ask me about because it is awesome. 
So if that's not excuse enough to have been caught up and not available to blog much, you either aren't a dancer, or didn't actually read the last few paragraphs.

But, yes, thus is my life.  My flashcards are WAY behind, my blog hasn't been updated since... did I even blog about the last quiz meet? At all?  Man, do I have some catching up to do!

So, let's start with the last quiz meet.  Lots of fun stuff happened including a massive game of Gump that got slightly out of hand, falling flat on my face trying to do fouettes without warming up, running off to the mall during the break between prelims and championships... and oh yeah, QUIZZING :o)!
We had some really really good quizzes, all of which I am extremely proud of.  There was one really crappy quiz which I would prefer not to really talk about, which was our last quiz of the day (Lana almost fell asleep on the benches, actually. It was pretty funny), but it was a fun day in general.  Like normal, we took the long way around things, and placed 7th in Championships!  Without a stats sheet in front of me I don't remember how NEXT 2 placed, but they did really awesome. In my opinion, they could be in the Senior bracket but *shrug*.  They're doing awesome.
Personally, I placed 8th in the championship bracket which is a huge success! Not a personal best, but awesome nonetheless.

This next quiz meet is just... Gah.  I'm too tired most of the time to really force myself to get pumped (dancing takes a lot of emotional, mental, and physical energy which I don't seem to have a lot of lately).  However, while well-rested and caffienated, the thought of it sends my stomach butterflies insane.  Without caffiene I'm not panicking though, so I guess that's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.  Bad thing because I am WAAAAAY behind and a little bit of freaking out could do my quizzing a lot of good.

I'm looking into binaural beats for focus and high brain activity, and I'll let you guys know what my experience is. Right now I'm desperate so I'll try almost anything.

Quesiton of the blog: Do you get less motivated over the Winter months? I sure do.... this happens every year!

Anywhoodiddles.  There is studying to be done and I have a dance out tomorrow and I don't really have the time to be blogging :oP


For starters: Yes, it is excusable that I didn't post last week because the first quizzing practice was TODAY. Aware as I am that most of you started LAST week, I didn't have much to post about.

Well, things are a bit weird this year... John and Laura won't be on the benches with us (tear, tear), and we have some new awesome quizzers (who are doing amazing by the way... Just sayin).  As much as it won't be the same, and as much as I complain and complain about that, I am looking forward to seeing how this year goes, and how our rookies all handle the awesomeness that is quizzing.

Today I got, 4 errors? I think. I'm not sure. 3 of the 4 said errors were in the same verse. Ouch. 1 Peter 1 hasn't been treating me so well. But ya know what? I'm out for revenge on Peter this week. Yes, I will study so much that my quizhelper won't know what hit... him? I guess it would be a male since I'm in a committed relationship with... him.  Anyways.  And next week... NO errors! No stupid errors, no 'I didn't hear the question' errors, no 'stare-blankly-and-hope-that-I-don't-have-to-sit-here-for-30-seconds-cause-I-have-no-idea' errors... NONE! (Yes, I know I shouldn't make that promise but I can dream, right? *sigh*)

Oh, and a question... When an answer is out of context, and it is in the first answer, but the main word in the first answer is in context (not in a rookie division scenario... I'm talking championship finals situation) could that be challenged because the PHRASE isn't in context? I think so but I thought I'd check with my expert blog readers.

By the way, I know you guys studied over the Summer. I've been getting visitors consistantly from May till now so I'm taking that as a sign that you've all been studying. So I think I should expect some fierce competition at the next meet, right, guys? Right?

Flashcards should be started up between a few days and a few weeks from now :o)

So. Question of the post. How did your first practice go? How's 1 Peter treating you (or mistreating you)?

Good luck, all, in the new year, that in cludes you, coaches, officials, and parents who have to deal with the quizzers!

Quizzers Unite... 2011/12!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that you're all doing well after the holidays and that you haven't fallen behind as a result of Christmas shopping and parties. For me, I've had an emotionally trying Christmas this year, and my parents went away for a week... which gave me time to study, while I didn't have to do chores... LOL! I am also going to be starting to see a therapist about anxiety issues after my doctor ruled out a thyroid problem... I knew I was a bit weird... but then again, aren't we all? So I might get more tips from that... for the nerves section... maybe even studying tips.

Anyways, I've been meaning to write a blog on this forEVER now... odd habits of quizzers. Taylor and I were chatting on Facebook and we somehow got on the topic of odd habits. I've noticed a few, but I know there are more. Some people always clear their throat before they answer, some people always say um before they answer, no matter how confident they are in the answer, some are obvious and easy to pick up, and some are so subtle that nobody, themselves or others, ever really notice unless they try. My mom said that I tend to do rond de jambe's when I'm answering a question, and I've noticed that I do jig shuffles (Highland dance) when I'm reciting... Its really funny, in my opinion.

So, question of the day, do you have any weird habits? What are they? Have you seen any that are really awesome?

Other question: Did you study over Christmas or take a break?
So, until I find something else to blog about...

Quizzers UNITE!

Its kind of a numb feeling right now, with everything starting back up... you know that feeling? Like, woah, everythings happening?

Well, for me everything's starting on Tuesday. Almost. I'm back to doing homeschool stuff, I have Highland dance for the first time this year, and the first quiz practice of the year was moved to Tuesday. I'm going to be late on the first day... I know... seriously Maegan? *sigh* But what am I supposed to do? Ditch dance class? They aren't at the same time, but I'm going to be busting my butt tearing out of dance and right to quizzing. I apologize in advance for being late, fellow NEXTers. :o(

But... the numb feeling... I've been stressing all Summer about how much I'm studying... too much? Too little? I had Summer school to deal with and stuff... I resorted to going over the rule book once a day to keep me occupied with something I can obseess over... its crazy... and now I'm just... blank. Its all too crazy.

Anyways, since my last blog I made a Facebook for, get this, my quizhelper. As everyone posts about how overly obsessed I am about my quizhelper... It may not be the right time to let you know that my status on Facebook is now 'in a relationship with Quizhelper'. I'm a nerd. Oh well. What are you gonna do about it?

So who's starting soon? How's everyone adjusting to John, and getting back to studying? And if nothing else, at least comment about how nerdy I am for making my quizhelper a facebook. At least you'll be commenting. I look at the view and the number of comments and they don't line up with each other!

Okay, I doubt any of you considered my lack of blogging and/or posting a LOSS, but a girl can dream, right? But, at any rate, I'm back! I'm sincerely glad I took a little bit of time off, too, I had the opportunity to focus a bit more on my music and dance. I unfortunately couldn't watch Internationals like I had hoped, someone comment about how it went! I heard WCD did REALLY well!

So, like I said, while I wasn't posting (although I was studying... my limit was JUNE! And I had Summer school in July) I was really into music, and very shocked that I wasn't constantly pointing out scripture in the songs, either, I felt... normal. WOAH! I just used the word normal!! So, what are everybody's other hobbies? Not gonna comment? Fine. Be that way.

Hmmmmm concerts, studying, OMIGOODNESS who's excited for quizzing to start back up? *no comments* Fine. Sheesh. BUt seriously, its coming so fast!!! Summer just flew by like nobody's business! Anybody have New-Seasons resolutions? Or do you not celebrate the occasion? Just me? Okay :o(

Anyways, just a random blog for no particular reason. Leave a comment, I'm begging you! Whether you tell me your hobbies or not, just say hi. For me? :o)

*phew* so... Quizzers Unite!...?

Okay, admit it, you loved Nakamun. And if you're outside of WCD, you would've. Great environment to quiz in, let me tell you! I never realised how awesome it was last year, I guess, but now I do! I can't wait to be back!

Lets get stats and freakouts out of the way here: I placed 7th this meet, 10th all year, and my team placed 7th!!! AAAAAH!! I'm so excited! Everybody did so well this meet... we had some pretty good quizzes!

Okay, so, from the beginning of the meet. I arrived, book in hand, waiting to get the whole registration thing over with, hand in my Internationals application, get my stuff in the cabin I was in and get at it. Then I lost my spot in line. Why? Cause Alannah decided to start my chain of screaming reunions with the other Great West people. :o) It was so awesome to see all of them (or you... you know who you are :o) ) again... 2 weeks seemed so slow!

So I got everything handed in and stuff, found the cabin me and Patricia were staying in (with Edmonton Chinese... so happy we were with them... they weren't awake and loud all night!) after a mix-up and went to the little meeting thingy before the meet. The picture slideshow wa awesome... although NEXT didn't really send in any pictures so every other team had a photo up there except us. We were a cool font on a black screen. Yeah. Cause we're cool.

Then quizzing started... started the meet off strong-ish... quizzing out with 1 error. It ended up being a pretty good night from there... but I must've been too tired to remember what I was doing the rest of the night. All I remember is that the next morning, Patricia and I, well rested and excited, passed notes and got ready to go to breakfast. The day after that was almost nonstop quizzing, except for the half hour breaks we got and lunch, and in the afternoon after we got knocked out of championships and decided to go take photos with the team. Most of them are pretty hillarious... I must say... but we DID get one or two quality photos.

At the end of the afternoon I participated in the qualifiers quiz!!! It was a lot of fast jumping and seemed to go on forever, with a few time-outs and time between sets of questions, and i loved every second of it! I didn't make it onto the team, but I promised myself that next year I'd get my quote numbers memorized and do even better!

We ate supper after that and, again, I don't really remember what happened after that other than the fact that Edson 1 placed 2nd in the consolation finals!!! W00T!

Then we had awards... Alannah placed 2nd in consolation... Congrats! Great job to everybody who did so well at finals this year... there was some pretty fierce competition out there and it wouldn't have been HALF as fun without it!

So who's ready for next year? Are you studying already? Or are you taking a break? Any grade 12's out there? Any future quizmasters? Coaches? Scorekeepers? Answer judges?

Hm.... I need another question... how did you feel about your finals? Were they awesomeness fun? How did you do?

Well, I'm out. I'm taking a short break before I go hardcore on John. Watch out my new quizhelper... you'll never be the same!

Have fun with your summer break everybody, unless you're going to Internationals... then its not really a break... have fun there too!

Quizzers Unite!

I am SO excited for Finals!

And you know what? There's only 5 days left including today! Freak out much!

Its a happy excited, though, I promise... although I can't help but bring back memories from last year's Nakamun experience... To the rest of NEXT 1: I PROMISE it WON'T happen again this year...

Since Great West I've been trying to turn on my Corinthians stuff so I can listen to it in my sleep and its all been going fine so far, I think its working... but I won't post it on studying tips until I check it out with some online sources... Right now I don't know WHICH methods are working and which ones aren't since I'm pretty much using almost all of them around the same time... is that a good idea? AAAH! What are your opinions...?

Well, this is the last stretch of studying for the year, hey? Paul will definietely be missed... at least I'll miss him if nobody else does. Get ready for another gospel, time flies!

Question: Any last minute tips for Finals? What tips have worked the best for you?

Hey People!

Hope all of your Christmas breaks were awesome!  I haven't updated in a while... I'll be posting more tips and stuff later on today... and finishing off the flashcards for this week! YAY! Are you excited yet? No? Just me? Darn.

Just a side note, I got a new stress ball for Christmas from my mom!!! And an iPod... great for studying! (read the studying page if you didn't get that)

Happy New Decade!
