I've been studying like a monster since the quiz meet, people. Like even more than normal. Like, more than MY normal. This is overkill. So I'm going to blog for a bit.

Wow... I am BLOWN AWAY!! Do you know how many views I got 3 days ago?? Do you want to know??? Of course you do... 120!!!! It makes me smile to know that people are actually finding worth and use in this website!!! Warm fuzzies much!

I just realised I have to study more than one chapter per week for Great West. I am freaking out about Great West. I am homestly. Freaking. Out. I mean, its like studying and practices take on a WHOLE different meaning... I mean, I WANT to get EVERY question I get right. I want to answer as MANY questions as I possibly can in an hour. I want to study ALL the time... it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. Motivation much?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just having a really good 2 weeks. Leave a comment cause nobody ever does... I'm going to try to ask a question you can comment on for every blog I make now... so this blogs question is: what motivates YOU? Bribery? Competition in meets? Or even practices? Tell me! Tell me! Please? Cause nobody ever comments. Except Patricia. And if SHE doesn't even comment on this I'll take a hint.

Have a great week, fellow quizzers, and check out the flashcards, chapter 8 is UP!

I know I have a lame blog title today.

Now that THAT is over with... I will tell you the reason I interrupted your studying. The quiz meet ended yesterday... I was continually saying: I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS!!!

Okay, so we left after stopping at a grocery store to get some mangos (brain food) and drove to Red Deer. Studied for a bit, but ended up doing way random stuff... like lip-synching at cars (?). The first thing we did was check in to the hotel, lie around a bit, and me and Patricia threw questions at each other. Then we went to the mall... which was a good thing because I didn't pack a toothbrush, pyjamas, or my stress balls (I had 2). So we went to the mall and I desparately searched for a fidget toy and a cheap toothbrush... and finally as we were looking through Claire's... I FOUND IT! And by 'it' I mean, a totally adorable new stress ball that was pink with green hair! I also got a toothbrush... but who cares about that?

Then we went back to the hotel and enjoyed the cinnamon buns my mom bought us (thank you mom!) and... again... went through a bunch of questions.  Finally, it was time. Time to get in the van and freak out speed-studying the entire way to the church. Then we had our first quiz... which was an interesting one... and then our second quiz... which was also... interesting. The second 'I must blog' moment:

Think about this for a second. Your team has erred their way to 0. You have 2 wrong, so 1 more error and you're out. You are terrified out of your bejeebes that you'd be the reason the team would lose and all that stuff that's going through your head when you haven't slept enough and you're almost erred out. Thats what happened. I jumped early on 16th (I think?) question and 10 seconds in found the verse, got it right. Got the question. Started laughing??? LOL! I mean, 2 questions later I erred out... but the team pulled our 0 (before that question) up to 100 before the end of the quiz!!

How did we do the rest of the meet? Well, we all got our usual quiz meet sleep or more (some got 8 hours, some 4... my usual just happens to be 1.5 so thats what I got), our team pulled it together just in time to win WXYZ (thank goodness), and went on to get 12th place in the championships. I'm not sure how the rest of the NEXTer's did, but I came in 11th (I pulled my act together after that err-out and quizzed out 3 times in the afternoon), Jon and I qualified for Great West, and Patricia is a fill-in if anyone can't go... I am 100% going, and I haven't heard if Jon and Patricia have made final decisions yet, or  if anyone couldn't make it, but I know they were both ecstatic about getting that far!

Chapters 8-13 for Great West... anyone reading my blog going? Anyone from outside of WCD reading my blog going?

I'm sorry this was so long... I just had so much to write about!!! I am so excited about everything!!



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Okay, I am SUPER excited and in a VERY good mood right now. Why? I'll tell you why. Thats what I make these blogs FOR!

Not only is the quiz meet TOMORROW (That reminds me... I REALLY need to get packing... out of town meet), NOT ONLY did I finish catching up on the flashcards (its true) but this website acquired 67 VIEWS yesterday!!!! WHAT? Thanks so much for reading the stff on my site! My goodness... this is the most this site has ever gotten by 22 views!!!! Thanks for the numbers!!!

Well, fellow quizzers, I must get back to studying... or maybe I should pack... but whatever I have to do... I must leave. Thanks again, and keep quizzing and being awesome (cause you know you are!)

Happy studying!


Don't worry... nothing happened.  Except my sudden realisation that the quiz meet is in 2 short days... JUST TWO! Thus the title. So I'm studying like a maniac. :o)

Anybody have anything that they do last minute... or any superstitions for quiz meets? I want to make a page on here with cool (or maybe kind of wierd) things people do before, during or after quiz meets. Me? I take every chance I get to get into my flashcards. And when I'm outside of the house, I'm doing copywork. Seriously... I'm going to Chuck E Cheese's today... and I'm bringing my iPod to listen to the text at the arcade. I go into OBSESSIVE mode completely...

Please comment with your wierd rituals... I'd love to hear some of them and start the page!
Today I was in a pre-quiz meet mood... and you know what that means, don't you? MORE INFORMATION! I finished up some copywork and took some time off for the website! I think I put at least one tip on every section here... so go check it out!
HAHAHAHA! I bet everybody thought I wasn't posting because I wasn't stressed out about the quiz meet in a week and a half! AAHAHAHAHA! Teehee... no.

Its actually because I'm so obsessive that I HAVENT posted anything. I've been looking at High Schools, dancing, other stuff you really don't want to hear about... (Troll: get on with the quizzing stuff! Me: I know! Sheesh) and with studying AND all that, I haven't had any time on the website.

But along with that I've been testing out new studying techniques. I haven't had a whole lot of time, but I've got some ideas I've been trying so you can expect some new stuff on the site soon.  Today, starting at noon, I will be seeing if its actually useful to study for hours on end. How might I do that? Finish up my homeschool work and get studying, thats how. Wow. That was cheesy. I'm calling this operation... uh... never mind... I don't know what to call it. :o(

And I should probably inform you that I am freaking out. I haven't changed at ALL since the last meet! Mwahaha!

And just another reminder that you can send in tips for any part of the website!

One more thing... the reason the 'never heard of quizzing' page isn't up is becase it is going to take me forever. And I've decided to draw that jumping diagram. Ha.

Thanks for reading this... Quizzing 4 EVER!
