So, guys, the Southgate meet.  Let's start there.
It was a fun meet, I must say.  First night induced a slight panic (okay, maybe not very slight), but the quiz had gone well... I was just getting really worked up over... Well, not nothing but nothing worth panicking over.  However, I got more sleep than I thought I would (thanks Melatonin!) and woke up motivated and ready to quiz the next morning.  The quizzes in the morning weren't that bad, but not really that great either.  NEXT 1 was really in the zone, but in the end we ended up in consolation.  We were happy though... It wasn't like we had quizzed badly, and hey, I made a good point during a challenge...  I wasn't the one who challenged, but I used the rule book and stuff :oP So I'm proud of myself for making a legitimate point in a challenge.  NEXT 2 did fabulously and ended up in finals in the rookie division yet again :o) Seriously, those guys are unbeatable.

I wish I had more to say in this update but I'm afraid that most of the meet is a blur for me, except the challenge and making another awesome story up during the light testing... That was fun!

I've been studying a lot more since that meet, especially since I didn't qualify for Great West.  It really is a shame since I won't have the chance...

WHAT? Oh yeah, I didn't mention that.  Even though I'm only 15 and have been registered as a grade 11 quizzer all year, I will be taking post-secondary schooling (a teacher training program at Edmonton School of Ballet, hopefully, if not then I'll be going to Concordia for my Bachelor of Arts in Music) in the Fall and will as a result be ineligible to quiz anymore :o(  I'm hoping to coach in the Fall and will continue to put any tips I get, or anything I come up with for memory up in the site.  I will be starting a new blog... I think I'll call it "Beyond the Benches" or something like that.  It might be less interesting, maybe more... who knows?  You'll just have to stay tuned for that!

On that note, I might as well start mentioning Nakamun... My final finals.  I've been preparing my brains out as I would really like to have less than 10 errors in my last quiz meet... Wouldn't you?  Anyways, I'm getting ready for that.  I'm likely gonna miss getting the grade 12 pin and stuff since I have to be back home for kids ministry and dance team on Sunday morning/afternoon, but I'll savour the moments that I have while I'm out there and still a quizzer.  Keep an eye here for my last blog post in "Tales of a Quizzer"... It'll likely be kinda sentimental and emotional, probably have a lot of bad jokes in attempt to lighten the moment, and give you an idea of when I'll start blogging as a coach or tablestaff or something cool and awesome like that.
Until then, question of the blog:  When are you graduating? If you already graduated, how do you recommend spending my last meet? Any cool stuff that I should do while I still have the chance? (No, I'm not going up to answer a question and lying on the floor for 30 seconds) (... or am I?)
Quizzers... UNITE!
Well, I finally got around to creating the blog about the Vauxhall meet.  The drive was, like, 6 hours so that's naturally where I'm going to start this blog.
We watched, according to my request, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat (I got it on DVD for Christmas), Star Trek, Kung Fu Panda 2... We were watching movies for almost the entire ride, if we weren't sitting around making odd noises at each other.  I'm serious.  Braeden and I were definitely talking weird almost the entire time we were in the van.  We stopped at Scott's Parable where I got 4 CD's for 8 bucks (W00T!) and we continued on to Lindon where we stopped for some amazing lunch and the best pie in the world, and it was generally an awesome ride down.
Quizzing starts, not a great first quiz.  I don't remember if I erred out or just didn't do very well but we weren't too happy with that quiz.  -shrug- 
The hotel was fun... We went to Boston Pizza despite our experience with the wait times there at the last meet, and headed back to the hotel to enjoy it while watching the last 20 minutes or so of the King's Speech.  It was interesting from what I remember but I don't remember much... I had melatonin in my system and I was doing flashcards (let me know about any typos... I am sure that there are several)
I woke up against my better judgement at 5 in the morning and tried to focus on my studying as I couldn't get back to sleep.  Patricia insisted that 7 was the best time to meet for breakfast so that's when Lana and I went down, eventually no longer making any resemblance to zombies and getting pumped for the rest of the meet.
The rest of the meet was kind of a blur.  NEXT 1 was either really tired or just not prepared enough... We ended up in consolation in the afternoon despite a WXYZ quiz that went a thousand times better than the rest of the morning.  Didn't do too well in consolation either, though, so I guess it was a good thing that we didn't end up in championships... we would've gotten crushed.  As Jon said, it was a lesson in humility if anything...  A reminder that even if we had a good meet last meet and a good year last year doesn't mean we can study less or not try as hard.  I think it was also a reminder that getting into championships, doing well... They're things to be proud of.  Puts things into perspective.
NEXT 2, however, rocked the socks off of the meet, winning the Rookie Division finals!  (They were amazing.  Seriously.  NEXT 1 could learn a few things from them).
The drive home was filled with G.I. Joe and studying... Chapter 8.  You'd think that I'd give myself a bit of review time after that meet... Heh.  It probably would've been a really good idea.  But at least I'm really good at chapter 8.  Its an easier chapter but I'm good at it now.
From the ride home I went straight to LAJ with Lana... It was an extremely surreal weekend, to be completely honest.
NEXT 2 has been keeping up the good work at practices and seem to be getting better every work, and NEXT 1 has, with renewed focus, gotten back on track and are ready for anything next weekend at the Southgate meet.  Well, almost anyways.
Once again, I am studying for my Highland theory and realizing how much my Quizzing is helping my Highland and vice-versa.  For example:  one thing my teacher told me at my private lesson once that has become my motto for the rest of the year: "They're not neccessarily better than you... You're just not trying as hard as they are."  I feel like I haven't been trying as hard this year, and I feel like keeping that in the forefront of my mind will remind me that it isn't an issue of being a 'good quizzer'... It's a matter of effort and trying hard.
Anyways, I'll blog about the upcoming meet another time.  I only have up to chapter 5 in flashcards done and I really need those things...
Question of the blog:  How was the last meet for you guys?  Learn anything new?
Quizzers Unite!

Is that even a word? I'm not sure.  But April once again is awesome and has reminded me that I haven't blogged announcing the next quiz meet yet, like I usually do!  Obviously, Winter break has taken a bit of a toll on my mind (and as my team would testify, my quizzing :oS).  But I do have a list of valid excusees including the following (yes, I'm about to list a bunch of excuses for not blogging):
It's January, and not only does my dance school have our recital in the beginning of January, the 25th of the month is Robbie Burns Day, and Highland dancers are naturally super busy around that time.  I had a dance performance yesterday and I will have another one tomorrow.  If that's not excuse enough, my class was also working on new choreograpy at the beginning of December that we had just over a month to prepare, and I have a championship that I've been preparing to enter in, so I've been super dedicated to my dancing lately. Not that I haven't been trying to study as much quizzing as possible, of course.
Also, I've been really busy with my new job at Jysk.  At one point I was working 20 hours in one week, although now it has eased up considerably to 7 hours, 6 this week.  I literally wore pieces of dance costumes under my work clothes twice this week.
Annnnd I am now co-directing (coaching and choreographing for, scheduling practices for, writing letters to the parents of) a dance team at my church.  Which if you lie in Edmonton you need to ask me about because it is awesome. 
So if that's not excuse enough to have been caught up and not available to blog much, you either aren't a dancer, or didn't actually read the last few paragraphs.

But, yes, thus is my life.  My flashcards are WAY behind, my blog hasn't been updated since... did I even blog about the last quiz meet? At all?  Man, do I have some catching up to do!

So, let's start with the last quiz meet.  Lots of fun stuff happened including a massive game of Gump that got slightly out of hand, falling flat on my face trying to do fouettes without warming up, running off to the mall during the break between prelims and championships... and oh yeah, QUIZZING :o)!
We had some really really good quizzes, all of which I am extremely proud of.  There was one really crappy quiz which I would prefer not to really talk about, which was our last quiz of the day (Lana almost fell asleep on the benches, actually. It was pretty funny), but it was a fun day in general.  Like normal, we took the long way around things, and placed 7th in Championships!  Without a stats sheet in front of me I don't remember how NEXT 2 placed, but they did really awesome. In my opinion, they could be in the Senior bracket but *shrug*.  They're doing awesome.
Personally, I placed 8th in the championship bracket which is a huge success! Not a personal best, but awesome nonetheless.

This next quiz meet is just... Gah.  I'm too tired most of the time to really force myself to get pumped (dancing takes a lot of emotional, mental, and physical energy which I don't seem to have a lot of lately).  However, while well-rested and caffienated, the thought of it sends my stomach butterflies insane.  Without caffiene I'm not panicking though, so I guess that's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.  Bad thing because I am WAAAAAY behind and a little bit of freaking out could do my quizzing a lot of good.

I'm looking into binaural beats for focus and high brain activity, and I'll let you guys know what my experience is. Right now I'm desperate so I'll try almost anything.

Quesiton of the blog: Do you get less motivated over the Winter months? I sure do.... this happens every year!

Anywhoodiddles.  There is studying to be done and I have a dance out tomorrow and I don't really have the time to be blogging :oP


Now, you're probably wondering: Why is April awesome? How would you know that April is awesome at this particular moment? You're in different regions!
April commented on my last blog and reminded me indirectly to write a blog about the quiz meet :oP.  Thank you April, I needed a break from writing flashcards anyways (I'd just accidentally written 'since' instead of 'sins' and it's, like, 9 at night).

So. The quiz meet. It was awesome. First of all, my team, Evan, Hannah, and I, were a pretty awesome combination. Y'know, Hannah and I dancing around and Evan awkwardly standing there for, like, half of a time-out wondering what we are doing and... why? So that was fun. The Great-West-quizzers-quiz-out-on-three rule was at first depressing, but it made sense, it being the first regional and all, so who am I to argue? And also, we had a mascot. His name is Elephant. He is an elephant. Cause, y'know, an elephant never forgets. And cause elephants are pretty awesome.

We got to the hotel and decided to have pizza (Me, Mrs. Put, Hannah, my mom, and Lana were staying in the same hotel room). Panago wasn't open anymore, so we went with Boston Pizza, who said they wouldn't deliver (even though when my mom and Mrs. Put went to pick up the pizzas, they were delivering for someone else), then told us that they didn't have 2 of the pizzas we ordered, so they gave us perogie pizzas, which we DIDN'T want, so they had to wait even longer.
Meaanwhile, Hannah, Lana, and I are in the hotel randomly dancing, laughing and trying to buy pop from the drink machine in the lobby.

We had pretty crappy prelims :oP It was actually kinda funny when we got to the afternoon, finished our first quiz in last, then won the rest of the quizzes until finals... Like, WHAT just happened??? Oh, wait. Evan started quizzing out (GO EVAN!). Then Hannah happened. She decided that Evan and I werenot sufficiently stressed, so she waited until question 23 in the tie breaker, when Evan and I were quizzed out and couldn't jump, to jump, get it right (in what seemed like slow motion), and win the quiz.  Thank you Hannah.

Anyways. We all did pretty well at NEXT. NEXT 1 went to championships (W00t!), my team, NEXT 2, placed 3rd in consolation, and both of our rookies were phenomenal!! Y'all are gonna have to watch out, they are showing NO signs of slowing down!

Elephant didn't jump at all. He was all distracted by his friend the frog stress ball. *shakes head* He needs to focus more, Elephant does.

We finished the meet at Smitty's as a team, and headed home, I'm not sure about anyone else, but I was pumped, no matter how sleep-deprived I was.

The district meet is already on my mind. Well, not 'already', I guess. It's not too far away. Time to start cracking down on my references and doing more flashcards, I guess.
Speaking of flashcards, I really should work on those, shouldn't I?

If there are spelling errors in the cards, now you know why, at least.

Question of the blog (and you thought I forgot): First meet of the year! How'd it go? How are your rookies doing?

Quizzers Unite!!

Yeah, I know this is kinda last-minute for most of y'all but I FINALLY got some flashcards done. I mean, I had some done before but not enough that I was about to post about them. That would be embarassing. But anyways: FLASHCARDS! Knock yourselves out, kids:

So. We at WCD are approaching quiz meet #1... the regional. My outlook on this meet: Positive. We have some pretty die-hard rookies and I'm actually caught up all the way for once! No cramming for me! I'm not stressing yet (well,no more than I usually do at quizzing) but that'll come in due time.

Speaking of cramming, the week of chapter 3 (2 weeks ago) we had pretty much THE worst practice ever. We as a team made, what was it... 17? Errors IN A ROW. Blech. It was horrible.  Thankfully last week we redeemed ourselves and had some amazing quizzing going on!

Tonight is an important practice for me... This will give me an idea of what I need to be studying this week right before the meet... Which verses and sections I need to work on more than others.  Not that I won't be studying it ALL but y'know. I didn't post this in the last blog, but for every error I get this year in practices, I write that verse out for one page... 30 times. Yeah, probably overkill but I figure that it's constructive in the end. Besides, it keeps me busy and errors suck. After Great West I did something similar (every verse once for every error I got there... Never ended up finishing that) but it was WAY too much and too sudden.  Heh heh.

So... That brings me to the question of this blog (I can't believe I've been able to keep these up)... I know I already asked about weird quizzing habits, but I never asked about studying... Do you do anything weird when you're studying that nobody else does (or is willing to say they do)? For me, it's the 30-verse thing, and probably the fact that if I take breaks, I lose every bit of motivation to study I had. I have to study in lonnng sessions or I just don't.  Every

Anywhoo. I'm going on for too long. *steps off of soapbox*

Quizzers Unite!!


For starters: Yes, it is excusable that I didn't post last week because the first quizzing practice was TODAY. Aware as I am that most of you started LAST week, I didn't have much to post about.

Well, things are a bit weird this year... John and Laura won't be on the benches with us (tear, tear), and we have some new awesome quizzers (who are doing amazing by the way... Just sayin).  As much as it won't be the same, and as much as I complain and complain about that, I am looking forward to seeing how this year goes, and how our rookies all handle the awesomeness that is quizzing.

Today I got, 4 errors? I think. I'm not sure. 3 of the 4 said errors were in the same verse. Ouch. 1 Peter 1 hasn't been treating me so well. But ya know what? I'm out for revenge on Peter this week. Yes, I will study so much that my quizhelper won't know what hit... him? I guess it would be a male since I'm in a committed relationship with... him.  Anyways.  And next week... NO errors! No stupid errors, no 'I didn't hear the question' errors, no 'stare-blankly-and-hope-that-I-don't-have-to-sit-here-for-30-seconds-cause-I-have-no-idea' errors... NONE! (Yes, I know I shouldn't make that promise but I can dream, right? *sigh*)

Oh, and a question... When an answer is out of context, and it is in the first answer, but the main word in the first answer is in context (not in a rookie division scenario... I'm talking championship finals situation) could that be challenged because the PHRASE isn't in context? I think so but I thought I'd check with my expert blog readers.

By the way, I know you guys studied over the Summer. I've been getting visitors consistantly from May till now so I'm taking that as a sign that you've all been studying. So I think I should expect some fierce competition at the next meet, right, guys? Right?

Flashcards should be started up between a few days and a few weeks from now :o)

So. Question of the post. How did your first practice go? How's 1 Peter treating you (or mistreating you)?

Good luck, all, in the new year, that in cludes you, coaches, officials, and parents who have to deal with the quizzers!

Quizzers Unite... 2011/12!!!

Well. I stopped the title before it became a song reference. Are you proud of me? I'm proud of me. Are you proud of me? LOL!

Anyways. I totally disappeared, didn't I? Yes... I vanished sometime during the last quiz meet and I haven't blooged about it and I feel like a terrible person for it. So here's the down low on the last quiz meet.

I was actually pretty relaxed by the time we got to our first quiz, probably too relaxed. A group of us quizzers got together and got a tour of Ambrose University (they have an amazing music room, by the way), and we had watched Tim Hawkins for most of the drive, so we weren't really in the worst mood. Dropped my stuff off at the hotel where my mom and I were staying, went out for supper and showed up a bit early, not that it was a bad thing. Talked to some people, got pumped up, went to announcements, and trekked upstairs for the first quiz of the meet.
Jon and Patricia did really well in the first quiz, but I erred out. Talk about a bad move right off the bat. I couldn't think about how everyone else was doing as much cause I just kept thinking about how stupid all of my jumps were and how much of a moron I felt like for getting the questions wrong that I did. It was not a good quiz, in my opinion, and after the quiz Jon and I ripped up the score sheet into several pieces. My mom took me out for ice cream right before DQ closed, and we watched a movie. WOAH! What happened there? I wasn't studying? Like, really? Yeah. I freak myself out, too.
I admit, I still didn't sleep very long but when I woke up I wasn't in a panic like I usually am during quiz meets. Which was odd. But on to the stuff we care about, right? The quizzing. The morning quizzes went a LOT better than the quiz the night before and we all felt better in the end of it all, making it into championships and stuff. We were excited, like we always are when we do well, and even though we took a long road in the afternoon, didn't make it to finals. We had some amazing quizzes, impossible questions, Patricia banged her head on a microphone (then got the question right) and we had an all-around good time. Jon, Patricia and I all made it to Great West and we're all going, after I talked their heads off and threatened to kick Jon. Heh heh. I'm not violent.

BUT WAIT! There's more! We all went to Great White North practice together!! YAY! That was fun. My quizzing was... off... Patricia didn't feel too good either, but the day was fun. Before the practice, Patricia and I went looking around at Home Hardware, then I felt bad for just hanging around in the store and bought tic tacs. :oD.
The practice itself was great. I got some good advice on jumping, challenging tips (no, I'm not gonna dedicate an entire page to challenging. Maybe.), and TONS of motivation.

Anyways, Great West is a day after tomorrow, and I have a LOT of work to do... I'm gonna go finish up the flashcards! Up to chapter 18 is up... I apologize for the wait and the rushed-ness of this blog!

Quizzers UNITE!

Skip the first paragraph if you're not just bored.
So, guys, I posted this literally minutes after posting the blog about the meet, because it was a draft before and I hadn't finished it when I wanted to post it so if you want to read about how the meet went, read the blog.
Yeah... you have to read to blog to find out how NEXT did. I'm not spoiling ANYTHING for those who actually care.
Too bad everyone who actually cares probably already knows.
BUT the blog post has the STORY... *nobody moves* FINE! Don't read my blog.

Anyways, the purpose of this blog is to let you all know that I think I just found a place where being an obsessive quizzer is a good thing. I was just talking to my friend from dancing (If you're reading this, I hope you don't mind that I'm talking about you on my blog, you know who you are...) about theory and she said something about using flash cards for Highland theory... memorizing definiteions and stuff... and I, myself using flashcard machine for my Highland theory, directed her to the website that I use. Then it kind of clicked in my head... Quizzing... theory... Quizzing... theory... WOAH!!!!! IT WORKS! It is terribly pathetic that it took me THIS LONG to figure it out...

So, I was going over my study methods and I realized just how obsessive they all sound when all you're trying to do is memorize a few, or a few hundred (or so it seems) definitions of movements you can execute no problem. I mean, the flashcards with push-ups... that'd work fine... I think I'm gonna use that one with steps of a dance for my theory since I have to up my pracitce time anyways, but most of them are totally... like, unrelated! No key words, although you oculd try to find words that you constantly forget, so that takes out a chunk of them. No verse numbers, so that takes out high lighting. Trouble spots... those I can maybe use but most of the study methods would SUCK for Highland theory.

The tips, too, I just realized how obsessive I am! "Make sure you eat while you're studying" "If your eyes are closing on their own, take a nap" "Schedule study times with friends!" And the new one I just posted "Make a schedule with when you're going to do each method that you use to study"... WHAT? I laughed SO HARD comparing how much I study Quizzing with how much I study theory... I mean, I don't think I've touched my theory book since last week, and its a MIRACLE if I can keep my hands off of my quizzing work for more than an hour or two.

BUT! As different as the two are, from the work ethic I learned from Quizzing, listening to my body when I'm studying for a long time and learning what works best for me, to working as a team, calming myself down and eating the right 'brain foods'... its all thanks to Quizzing, and without it, I probably would've failed my last few theory exams. Badly. So, Quizzing is pretty cool that way. And many other ways but don't get me started.

Questions: Where do you see skills obtained in Quizzing reflect in real life? (Yes, there IS a world out there for all you study-a-holics) And... was this too much of an essay for you to bother reading this far? *sigh* Oh well.

Quizzers... UNITE!

So... first of all... I thought it'd just be responsible of me to say this... My Nerves page is not a cure for anxiety disorders, nor is however the advice works for you diagnostic of an anxiety disorder, however, if you are experiencing extreme anxiety that cannot be subdued, or the anxiety is unexplainable or continues even when you're not quizzing, if it is interfering with your life or if you have to sit out quizzes because it gets that bad, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about the possibility of an anxiety disorder. They won't judge you... in my experience, my doctor was impressed that I brought the issue up on my own and helped me find the help I needed. If you need advice or support in doing so, feel free to email me at [email protected].
I'm also going to copy/paste this to the Nerves section... but seriously. If you have anxiety that you suspect is a problem, even if it isn't a treatable illness, just asking your doctor for a referral to a psychologist or group therapy IS A GOOD IDEA.

Now that I'm done telling you about that, let's move on to the issue of the week.

In case you didn't notice in my last post, its the quiz meet.

I did, and I am proud of this, talk to a Kids Help Phone counsellor this morning and recieved some great advice on how to avoid getting myself worked up so I'm not freaking out as much as I usually am. Extra practice today went well, and I feel like I'm prepared for (almost) anything. Team strategy is getting worked out for NEXT 1 (we're all shooting for Great West) and we are READY! Yes, yes I did actually just say that. We're ready. Are you?

Question of the day: What is the first thing that goes through your mind when you've just quoted a loooong verse and the quizmaster says the dreaded word: "Again"?
For me, I think, "My. Life. Is. Over." For half of a second, then I realize that self-pity never helped anyone and start going over the verse again, and super slowly.

Quizzers UNITE!!!!

I... sorry, I need a moment...

Okay, so I have a diploma exam for Math30P next week, right? I am in a 4-day super intense diploma exam preparation course this weekend that's supposed to get me ready for the big test, and I have tons of work to do and material to study and I think that it'll go really well, ya know? Like, I've got everything I need right in front of me to do well.

My mom doesn't see this in the same light...

She thinks that my quizzing will distract me from my math or something. So I am not allowed to study anymore. Not until after my exam is done.


I'm gonna die! I'm gonna just roll over and DIE right now! I JUST started getting back into this whole studying thing from my little rut at the beginning of the year, and now it's all for what? A good math mark? Entrance to University? ...Okay, yeah, thats what its for. BUT really... not at all? That gives me NOTHING to work with at the next practice. NOTHING!

Anyways, I hurt my foot last night. Which will not help my jumping much. I think its either a sprain or a minor fracture, but I refuse to go to the doctor cause I don't want to end up in a cast... I don't care how muchlonger it'll take to get better... I can dance with it and as long as I have an ankle brace on its totally fine.

So. That's my life right now. My question for today: Does school ever interfere with your normal studying?

Quizzers Unite!
