Hey y'all!
All of the Beans were re-united at the first Quizzing practice of the year! We all did our verses and we're all pretty pumped for the year. Let me tell you, they don't memorize text for nothing! Its really useful! Actually, its kinda frustrating, case when you know the answer but didn't jump fast enough, and they don't know the answer, even if they're on a different team, you just wanna scream at them. But thats okay. At meets, thats what the frustration plan is for. (see dealing with nerves)
Tis the season for new quizzers, so tell your friends about this site! Tell random ppl at meets, tell your friends who might want to do Quizzing and can't decide, tell the rookies on you teams, tell your coaches, friends on other teams, friends on the same team, whatever! I just know how much I would've liked a site like this LAST year! So tell people!

Today is my first Quiz practice, I'll blog about that later. Leave a comment, how are you getting ready for Quizzing to start again? How was your first practice?
Its almost here everybody!!! The next year of quizzing!!! Yay! Wow, summer flew by so fast! I am so excited! NEXT's first practice is next week... teehee! Don't forget to send in your quizzing stuff (writing, tips, ideas for the site etc.) and keep the site goin!