Hello again and welcome to another blog post from an obsessed study-a-holic! (that didn't come out right...)

Just thought I'd update y'all!

One week until Quiz meet time. The Beans are OFFICIALLY back together... plus Laura.  I am SO happy we got the dream team again! Watch out WCD... we are IN!

But, for the first meet we're not together because they... uh... feel like it?? I don't know. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Did I MENTION that its next week?? AAAAAH!

We ALL hate chapters 4 and 5 at NEXT. ALL! of us.  Not even kidding. Probably because when they're together its so much material to memorize! By the time we get to the meet, though, we WILL be awesome! Cause thats just what we are! Yay!

And I finally got my head in the game and started on the flashcards for 1 and 2 Corinthians, so check it out homies!

You are so lucky I didn't say that out loud. Would've sounded SO wierd...
Hey y'all!
With Corinthians comin up so fast, I thought I would post a few more studying ideas, so check it out! Tell me if they're wierd... cause that tends to be the case...
Its kind of a wierd feeling to be anticipating September in July! I mean, I am already thinking about the first meet, trying to figure out what I did in St. Albert that I didn't do at Nakamun that made me do so much better. I think it might've been the lack of sugar in my system at Nakamun, when my blood sugar is low I go whacky! At least my mom thinks that...
Leave a comment! What are you looking forward to (or dreading about) in the next quizzing season?