I've been studying like a monster since the quiz meet, people. Like even more than normal. Like, more than MY normal. This is overkill. So I'm going to blog for a bit.

Wow... I am BLOWN AWAY!! Do you know how many views I got 3 days ago?? Do you want to know??? Of course you do... 120!!!! It makes me smile to know that people are actually finding worth and use in this website!!! Warm fuzzies much!

I just realised I have to study more than one chapter per week for Great West. I am freaking out about Great West. I am homestly. Freaking. Out. I mean, its like studying and practices take on a WHOLE different meaning... I mean, I WANT to get EVERY question I get right. I want to answer as MANY questions as I possibly can in an hour. I want to study ALL the time... it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. Motivation much?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just having a really good 2 weeks. Leave a comment cause nobody ever does... I'm going to try to ask a question you can comment on for every blog I make now... so this blogs question is: what motivates YOU? Bribery? Competition in meets? Or even practices? Tell me! Tell me! Please? Cause nobody ever comments. Except Patricia. And if SHE doesn't even comment on this I'll take a hint.

Have a great week, fellow quizzers, and check out the flashcards, chapter 8 is UP!

3/23/2010 10:45:31 am

Sure, I'll comment. Maybe we can set a record and get two. :)

Good on you for the studying. Don't let it take over *too* much (some obsession is essential though), or get too worried. At some point it eventually starts to work against you and one gets too obsessive and spends every waking hour worrying. Then one is a complete wreck at the quiz meet and convinced that one knows nothing 'cuz just a few of one's studying sessions weren't perfect. That was my Great West last year, it was bad. =P So just study as much as you can, enjoy the motivation, and don't stress. (it sounds easy, eh? =P)

Pretty much my motivation is a nice combination of loving quizzing on the good days and ol' fashioned compulsion and habit on the unmotivated ones. And occasionally from stressing about my material not being good enough, but I've tried to get rid of that part. :) Bribes have little effect, but they are a nice bonus, I don't turn them down!

PATRICIA (I'm here!)
4/21/2010 07:49:51 am

I'm here!!
I'm excited!
I'm gonna start going through flshcards by the 100a!!!

I'm glad Great West was fun! That road was awesome! So were the "asleep" pics and other happy pics we shot on the way home! And studying in the van, eating chips and attempting to split a creamegg!!!


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