Okay, I doubt any of you considered my lack of blogging and/or posting a LOSS, but a girl can dream, right? But, at any rate, I'm back! I'm sincerely glad I took a little bit of time off, too, I had the opportunity to focus a bit more on my music and dance. I unfortunately couldn't watch Internationals like I had hoped, someone comment about how it went! I heard WCD did REALLY well!

So, like I said, while I wasn't posting (although I was studying... my limit was JUNE! And I had Summer school in July) I was really into music, and very shocked that I wasn't constantly pointing out scripture in the songs, either, I felt... normal. WOAH! I just used the word normal!! So, what are everybody's other hobbies? Not gonna comment? Fine. Be that way.

Hmmmmm concerts, studying, OMIGOODNESS who's excited for quizzing to start back up? *no comments* Fine. Sheesh. BUt seriously, its coming so fast!!! Summer just flew by like nobody's business! Anybody have New-Seasons resolutions? Or do you not celebrate the occasion? Just me? Okay :o(

Anyways, just a random blog for no particular reason. Leave a comment, I'm begging you! Whether you tell me your hobbies or not, just say hi. For me? :o)

*phew* so... Quizzers Unite!...?
