Okay, I doubt any of you considered my lack of blogging and/or posting a LOSS, but a girl can dream, right? But, at any rate, I'm back! I'm sincerely glad I took a little bit of time off, too, I had the opportunity to focus a bit more on my music and dance. I unfortunately couldn't watch Internationals like I had hoped, someone comment about how it went! I heard WCD did REALLY well!

So, like I said, while I wasn't posting (although I was studying... my limit was JUNE! And I had Summer school in July) I was really into music, and very shocked that I wasn't constantly pointing out scripture in the songs, either, I felt... normal. WOAH! I just used the word normal!! So, what are everybody's other hobbies? Not gonna comment? Fine. Be that way.

Hmmmmm concerts, studying, OMIGOODNESS who's excited for quizzing to start back up? *no comments* Fine. Sheesh. BUt seriously, its coming so fast!!! Summer just flew by like nobody's business! Anybody have New-Seasons resolutions? Or do you not celebrate the occasion? Just me? Okay :o(

Anyways, just a random blog for no particular reason. Leave a comment, I'm begging you! Whether you tell me your hobbies or not, just say hi. For me? :o)

*phew* so... Quizzers Unite!...?

8/8/2010 02:04:47 pm

So, I went to NATS for two of the days, IT WAS SO AWESOME! WCD 1 got 3rd place in finals for Championship and WCD2 got 2nd place (12th everall) which is really super cool! they all did amazing! Kimmy wiens got 4th in individual quizzer awards and Adrianna got 3rd. It a bast to watch! I can't wait for the season o start either, It's getting close!!

8/9/2010 05:55:19 am

8/9/2010 06:46:22 am

I guess you can't press 'Enter' instead of 'Tab'. :P

Wow!! It's hard to believe that school starts soon!! Like you said, Maegan, summer has just flown by! I thought the summer would seem a ton longer, but I guess not. :) It seems like quizzing just ended - which is strange, I was thinking for sure that the summer was going to seem longer than that!!!!

but, now, I'm thinking that I am going to start memorizing - I was extremely happy to see that the most verses we have to memorize in a week is 44. That was a relief! I mean, of course it's going to be a bit more work this year, but it's worth it.


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