Today I was in a pre-quiz meet mood... and you know what that means, don't you? MORE INFORMATION! I finished up some copywork and took some time off for the website! I think I put at least one tip on every section here... so go check it out!
HAHAHAHA! I bet everybody thought I wasn't posting because I wasn't stressed out about the quiz meet in a week and a half! AAHAHAHAHA! Teehee... no.

Its actually because I'm so obsessive that I HAVENT posted anything. I've been looking at High Schools, dancing, other stuff you really don't want to hear about... (Troll: get on with the quizzing stuff! Me: I know! Sheesh) and with studying AND all that, I haven't had any time on the website.

But along with that I've been testing out new studying techniques. I haven't had a whole lot of time, but I've got some ideas I've been trying so you can expect some new stuff on the site soon.  Today, starting at noon, I will be seeing if its actually useful to study for hours on end. How might I do that? Finish up my homeschool work and get studying, thats how. Wow. That was cheesy. I'm calling this operation... uh... never mind... I don't know what to call it. :o(

And I should probably inform you that I am freaking out. I haven't changed at ALL since the last meet! Mwahaha!

And just another reminder that you can send in tips for any part of the website!

One more thing... the reason the 'never heard of quizzing' page isn't up is becase it is going to take me forever. And I've decided to draw that jumping diagram. Ha.

Thanks for reading this... Quizzing 4 EVER!

Yes, friends, WCD's second regional meet just happens to be TOMORROW! Get ready... NEXT has been practicing!!

I've been sick since yesterday with a cold... so I'll just quickly blog about hte last practice we had and the new page I'm starting.

Let's start with the new page. I'm getting a LOT of Twitter followers from the Highland dance community etc. asking what quizzing is... and I cannot explain quizzing in 180 characters or less... so I'm starting that page so I can send a link to those people when I'm asked about quizzing... and you too! LOL That was sooo cheesy!

And now the practice... it went pretty well for the most part... Although the extra last-minute practice tomorrow afternoon is going to be VERY helpful! Smilez!

Anyways... I guess I'll see some of you at the meet... good luck to everybody in WCD!

Wow... guys... theres so much going on right now I can't even catch up with my own website!!! What does that say about my schedule...?

I feel like I haven't updated anything in FOREVER! Sorry to all the 10 people that have viewed my site today... nothing new till now!

Wow... quiz meet NEXT week... and coincidentally NEXT is going to hit this one out of the park at our base... thats right folks... the NEXT meet is at NEXT! LOL!

Hope y'all have been studying... adding the second book is going to be a little confuzzling! Hit the flashcards, check out the tips and methods I put up... crack open the book as much as you can in one week! AAAAH! STRESS!!!!

I just posted some new stuff in the nerves section... and I was thinking about something to post in the Rookies and Studying sections but I lost it... it'll come back to me... I hope... unless its like a question from chapter 16... I GOT IT I GOT IT ITS.... gone. Boo. LOL!

That's it for now.  I'll be blogging about our last practices before the big meet (eee!) after they happen. Yes, that includes our bonus practice tomorrow. If you feel like it, comment about your final practices before your meets... more intense? Less intense?

Hey People!

Hope all of your Christmas breaks were awesome!  I haven't updated in a while... I'll be posting more tips and stuff later on today... and finishing off the flashcards for this week! YAY! Are you excited yet? No? Just me? Darn.

Just a side note, I got a new stress ball for Christmas from my mom!!! And an iPod... great for studying! (read the studying page if you didn't get that)

Happy New Decade!

Yes, I am fully aware that this is late... and yes, I am aware that I'll have more to do in a few hours (Its Chapter 13 week!) but I've been sick all weekend so I took a bit longer to finish these ones up.
Thats so you don't have to go searching through the studying page to find them!
Have fun studying!! :o)
Hey Quizzers!!!

Just thought I'd let y'all know that I posted a study tip and a study method on the website from Josh, a super-quizzer on Southgate.  So check em out.

One more thing: I KNOW that I'm not on time with the flashcards.  I know. BUT I promise I'll have them up sooner than later, and I'll post a blog when I do.  How bout I make a goal? By... Saturday. I'll have up to chapter 12 by Saturday. I think. I hope. So keep watching the blog.

Haha. I just made an excuse to get y'all to read my blog. But seriously... I'll get the cards up and post a blog.

Thanks for keeping the site alive, guys!

Holy crap guys!!! Wow!!! I just checked the site stats and saw I have had an AMAZING 35 people view my site today!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! You know whats funny is how none of you ever comment on my blogs... maybe I'm just that pathetic, huh?

But WHATEVER! Just thought I'd post... 35 PEOPLE!! I know thats a pathetic number to be bouncing off the walls about, but pathetic is my middle name... actually its not cause if it was my parents would be sending me to a shrink...

Speaking of shrinking, the time left for me to be not studying is also shrinking. So enjoy your weeks.
So, the first quiz meet is sneaking up on the Western Canadian Division WAY too early again. Tis the season for organizing study days/parties, dicussing team arrangements, studying way too much... and if that last one was surprising, you haven't met me yet! 2 practices left for our teams. This is happening WAY too soon!

I also have some bad news. The Beans might have to split up this year. WAAAAH! We have a wierd number of quizzers this year since one of the ppl left and we are left with 9. Which means either 3 teams of 3, or 2 teams, 1 of 4 and 1 of 5. I am kinda leaning towards 4 and 5. This way, The Beans are back and we can all have great meets. I'll blog when the descisioin is made.

Thanks for reading my rambling, by the way. The site has gotten AMAZING feedback! I just added a few more study methids and a few more rookie tips!