So, guys, the Southgate meet.  Let's start there.
It was a fun meet, I must say.  First night induced a slight panic (okay, maybe not very slight), but the quiz had gone well... I was just getting really worked up over... Well, not nothing but nothing worth panicking over.  However, I got more sleep than I thought I would (thanks Melatonin!) and woke up motivated and ready to quiz the next morning.  The quizzes in the morning weren't that bad, but not really that great either.  NEXT 1 was really in the zone, but in the end we ended up in consolation.  We were happy though... It wasn't like we had quizzed badly, and hey, I made a good point during a challenge...  I wasn't the one who challenged, but I used the rule book and stuff :oP So I'm proud of myself for making a legitimate point in a challenge.  NEXT 2 did fabulously and ended up in finals in the rookie division yet again :o) Seriously, those guys are unbeatable.

I wish I had more to say in this update but I'm afraid that most of the meet is a blur for me, except the challenge and making another awesome story up during the light testing... That was fun!

I've been studying a lot more since that meet, especially since I didn't qualify for Great West.  It really is a shame since I won't have the chance...

WHAT? Oh yeah, I didn't mention that.  Even though I'm only 15 and have been registered as a grade 11 quizzer all year, I will be taking post-secondary schooling (a teacher training program at Edmonton School of Ballet, hopefully, if not then I'll be going to Concordia for my Bachelor of Arts in Music) in the Fall and will as a result be ineligible to quiz anymore :o(  I'm hoping to coach in the Fall and will continue to put any tips I get, or anything I come up with for memory up in the site.  I will be starting a new blog... I think I'll call it "Beyond the Benches" or something like that.  It might be less interesting, maybe more... who knows?  You'll just have to stay tuned for that!

On that note, I might as well start mentioning Nakamun... My final finals.  I've been preparing my brains out as I would really like to have less than 10 errors in my last quiz meet... Wouldn't you?  Anyways, I'm getting ready for that.  I'm likely gonna miss getting the grade 12 pin and stuff since I have to be back home for kids ministry and dance team on Sunday morning/afternoon, but I'll savour the moments that I have while I'm out there and still a quizzer.  Keep an eye here for my last blog post in "Tales of a Quizzer"... It'll likely be kinda sentimental and emotional, probably have a lot of bad jokes in attempt to lighten the moment, and give you an idea of when I'll start blogging as a coach or tablestaff or something cool and awesome like that.
Until then, question of the blog:  When are you graduating? If you already graduated, how do you recommend spending my last meet? Any cool stuff that I should do while I still have the chance? (No, I'm not going up to answer a question and lying on the floor for 30 seconds) (... or am I?)
Quizzers... UNITE!
This blog will be very short. I don't even have a question to write at the end of it.

2 new epic-sauce studying methods on the study page!

Now, if you people comment on this blog I'm gonna be sad cause you don't comment on the other ones and you choose the one blog where I'm not saying anything interesting to comment. Well, with the exception of April, who is just really cool and comments on my blog posts :o)


So... first of all... I thought it'd just be responsible of me to say this... My Nerves page is not a cure for anxiety disorders, nor is however the advice works for you diagnostic of an anxiety disorder, however, if you are experiencing extreme anxiety that cannot be subdued, or the anxiety is unexplainable or continues even when you're not quizzing, if it is interfering with your life or if you have to sit out quizzes because it gets that bad, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about the possibility of an anxiety disorder. They won't judge you... in my experience, my doctor was impressed that I brought the issue up on my own and helped me find the help I needed. If you need advice or support in doing so, feel free to email me at [email protected].
I'm also going to copy/paste this to the Nerves section... but seriously. If you have anxiety that you suspect is a problem, even if it isn't a treatable illness, just asking your doctor for a referral to a psychologist or group therapy IS A GOOD IDEA.

Now that I'm done telling you about that, let's move on to the issue of the week.

In case you didn't notice in my last post, its the quiz meet.

I did, and I am proud of this, talk to a Kids Help Phone counsellor this morning and recieved some great advice on how to avoid getting myself worked up so I'm not freaking out as much as I usually am. Extra practice today went well, and I feel like I'm prepared for (almost) anything. Team strategy is getting worked out for NEXT 1 (we're all shooting for Great West) and we are READY! Yes, yes I did actually just say that. We're ready. Are you?

Question of the day: What is the first thing that goes through your mind when you've just quoted a loooong verse and the quizmaster says the dreaded word: "Again"?
For me, I think, "My. Life. Is. Over." For half of a second, then I realize that self-pity never helped anyone and start going over the verse again, and super slowly.

Quizzers UNITE!!!!

Yeah... check it out, a title with no song reference!! Please excuse me while I have a random 2 minute dance party with only myself.

Anyways, in honour of the 'OH MY GOSH I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE WEEK LEFT' spirit that is probably hanging around with your quiz teams, whether its welcome or not, I have posted another study method and another Rookie tip.

Yes, Ii did say in my comment response to Patricia that I wasn't going to make another post, but this HAD to be out there, because I just remembered the tips I wanted to put onto the site and I was itching to tell you people!

And, just for the sake of it, here's another link to the flashcards for John:

They're almost one for this meet, I swear! Bear with me people... they'll be done sooner than later, probably by later tonight okay? Okay.

I don't have a question for this blog. Go to my earlier blogs and answer my other questions... I like seeing people's comments and answers! It seriously makes my day when I get an email wrom Weebly saying 'you have a comment'! Honestly, I'm not that pathetic in real life. Wait. Am I? Hey Patricia, a little help here??? LOL!

Quizzers UNITE!

Skip to the end if you wanna skip the ramblings and go right to website udates.

Anyways, I've heard this from a few other people and I'm definitely feeling like this myself, every single practice 'I'm not ready, I haven't studied enough...'
Remember that panic demon in my head? Its not even panic anymore. Its just a general not ready feeling. At this point I'm not sure I'm going to be able to catch up in time for the first meet of the year, in all honesty. I'm just... not on my best game. I don't really have the drive I usually have. Which is odd. And kinda disappointing cause as a result I'm not doing well in practices and as much I expect it, it still bugs me when I can't find an answer right away. SO I'm thinking of putting some stuff up on my study page... so question... how do you get yourself to study when your head and heart are like "STUDY!!!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!" But the entire rest of your being is like "Later. I can't reach my book from here. I'm too lazy to study right now. Zzzzzzz.". Or am I the only one with this problem? *sigh* as nobody bothers commenting anyways. Oh well. Fine. Don't comment.

Anyways, 2 new tips in Nerves. Thats the update. Happy now? LOL! Jk... Wake me up when practice starts, k? Zzzzz... Jk again... maybe... LOL!

Quizzers Unite

So... 3 days left. How's everybody feeling? A bit nervous? Excited? Study-a-holic? Is that even a feeling? In any case... Nakamun is in 3 days and I think I speak for everybody at NEXT when I say... we're PUMPED!

I'm taking advantage of this pumped-ness and doing some research on memory skills and stuff for the very LAST minute. Smart, hey? (I know, I know... its not) BUT I got a new rookie tip and a new nerves tip... and there are studying tips still to come!

Anyways, I need to get back to studying.

Question: How do YOU know you (or your teammate) is pumped?

3 days left WCD... hope you're ready, and I'll see you then!

WOOHOOOOOOO! Guess what people? Awesomeness alert... I'm getting ready for Great West... which is in, not 7, not 6, not even 5 whole days but 4 sleeps including tonight until Great West! Woohoo!

And you know what? I get the ENTIRE week off of school in preparation! To do: STUDY! I'm SERIOUSLY pumped!

Goals for Great West: Quiz out. Just once... thats all I need. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a really good quiz... thats my goal. I don't really care how my personal scores turn out... I just want 1 quiz-out!

Anybody set goals for themselves for quiz meets? Its a great idea! OMG... did I put that in my nerves section? *scrambles to find an article on the page about setting goals...*

Aside from Great West, Finals are coming up WAY too soon for my liking! I mean, sure, after Great West, my quizzing will have greatly improved but its still scary to think that I have 2 practices between Great West and Nakamun. Why? Cause its FINALS! And its not a lot of time between quiz meets... and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing but it WILL have an effect!

So, all smiles and studying till then, right? *note to self: stop being such a cheesy blogger.*

Well, I'm gonna go put some stuff up!

Wow... It seems like its been forever since I've blogged! Since my last blog a bit had happened... and by a bit I mean a lot.

First of all, I recited 14 chapters of Text in 2 days. Yeah. I was that far behind.

I got the rest of the flashcard questions... they'll be caught up and everything in a few days.

I went to Great West practice (HALLELUJAH! Still excited...) and learned how to jump faster... now it won't be as frustrating to quiz against fast jumpers! :o)

I was in Love According to John where I nearly fell into the orchestra pit (but I didn't :oP) and lost about 5 days of studying... almost... I still studied but not as much as I should've.

Seriously... I'm not a very interesting person. I'd be more interesting if I'd give you the sweet details... but that'd take up a lot of blog space.

Anyone wanna send stuff in? I haven't added anything in a while!



1 Comment

Okay, I am SUPER excited and in a VERY good mood right now. Why? I'll tell you why. Thats what I make these blogs FOR!

Not only is the quiz meet TOMORROW (That reminds me... I REALLY need to get packing... out of town meet), NOT ONLY did I finish catching up on the flashcards (its true) but this website acquired 67 VIEWS yesterday!!!! WHAT? Thanks so much for reading the stff on my site! My goodness... this is the most this site has ever gotten by 22 views!!!! Thanks for the numbers!!!

Well, fellow quizzers, I must get back to studying... or maybe I should pack... but whatever I have to do... I must leave. Thanks again, and keep quizzing and being awesome (cause you know you are!)

Happy studying!


Don't worry... nothing happened.  Except my sudden realisation that the quiz meet is in 2 short days... JUST TWO! Thus the title. So I'm studying like a maniac. :o)

Anybody have anything that they do last minute... or any superstitions for quiz meets? I want to make a page on here with cool (or maybe kind of wierd) things people do before, during or after quiz meets. Me? I take every chance I get to get into my flashcards. And when I'm outside of the house, I'm doing copywork. Seriously... I'm going to Chuck E Cheese's today... and I'm bringing my iPod to listen to the text at the arcade. I go into OBSESSIVE mode completely...

Please comment with your wierd rituals... I'd love to hear some of them and start the page!