Pardon my Alesana reference... if you don't know what that means, don't try to find out... just for those of you who...

Okay, I'll stop being obsessive. This blog is really, really, late. Who missed me :D??? *cricket sound effect* FINE! I'll just write this blog to myself. Dear me...

I'm kidding. Anyways, due to the lateness of this blog I still haven't reported on how the first quiz meet of the year went. For me, it was definitely an exercise of self-control... not only are the standards of jumping in John much slower than Corinthians but I was told by many people at numerous different times to *not* quiz out all the time, slow down and let the rookies get used to jumping... and I tried! I really did, I swear! But... like I said, controlling my jumping? Not my forte.

In the end of it all, NEXT came first in both divisions, championships and consolation, my team being in consolation, I placed first in consolation and Jon placed first in championships and Patricia placed 3rd in championships and we were all umping around in room 1 and sqealing about how much of a coincidence it was...

Anyways, mixed feelings towards that quiz meet, cause as slow as I was trying to jump I still managed to get an error in all but 2 quizzes... Oh well. Just means I should be studying more, right?

So.... another quiz meet in less than 2 weeks... WHAAAAAT? Where did the time go? Oh, I know, NaNoWriMo (writing a 50,000 word rough draft of a novel in one month)... darn it. No... I shouldn't use writing a novel in a month as an excuse... I really should be studying more... so last night I got my word count 3,000 over so I could study...

Question: What's your biggest distraction from studying? I doubt I'm going to get any answers from that question. I really don't think anyone wants to say that.

Update on the car accident: Still a bit sore, but physiotherapy has been helping a lot and if all else fails, I've got all the right medication... (no I'm not a drug dealer...)

Anyways, back to the books, keep sending stuff in... COMMENT! Please? April gets 5 stars for commenting on my last blog :o)

Quizzers UNITE!!!!

11/8/2010 02:26:07 am

Well... thanks for the 5 stars!! That's the best rating I've ever been given (Not that I've ever had a rating before:)

Well, I think for me, since I am very musical, the biggest distraction for me would be music! I usually play piano or something before I study so that I can concentrate properly. :) Otherwise I'll be half way through a verse and all of a sudden start humming a song in my head or something. That way I don't get much done. It's pretty funny sometimes. :)

Guess what! I'm going to town today to pick up my new glasses! I am pretty excited. Even though it's just glasses... :)

11/15/2010 01:47:23 am


Well, I am at present studying for the meet. Bummer that we don't have an extra week of review...but we'll be fine... Anyway, I'm listening to audio and going to do flashcards...YAY!

I really DO love those...

So right now commenting--though it's about quizzing, so it doesn't count as a distraction from quizzing =D--and foraging for food are my biggest distractions.

Thanks for doing this site--
I really do enjoy reading the blog. Really!

...I think I'll go study...

--PS: Hi, April! I'll see you guys on Friday!

11/15/2010 03:13:01 am

Oh yeah... music... I HAVE to listen to music whil I study or I go insane! Congrats on the glasses April!! :oD

And the flashcards... I didn't want to make an entire new blog out of this but I'm doing chapter 7 RIGHT NOW and will have them 100% completed by the end of today!!! Just fyi...

Oh, and Patricia... of course my website isn't a... distraction... psssh... uh... heh heh... thats why I'm on here so much... heh heh... LOL!


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