I am SO excited for Finals!

And you know what? There's only 5 days left including today! Freak out much!

Its a happy excited, though, I promise... although I can't help but bring back memories from last year's Nakamun experience... To the rest of NEXT 1: I PROMISE it WON'T happen again this year...

Since Great West I've been trying to turn on my Corinthians stuff so I can listen to it in my sleep and its all been going fine so far, I think its working... but I won't post it on studying tips until I check it out with some online sources... Right now I don't know WHICH methods are working and which ones aren't since I'm pretty much using almost all of them around the same time... is that a good idea? AAAH! What are your opinions...?

Well, this is the last stretch of studying for the year, hey? Paul will definietely be missed... at least I'll miss him if nobody else does. Get ready for another gospel, time flies!

Question: Any last minute tips for Finals? What tips have worked the best for you?

4/26/2010 03:19:15 am

Oh, I know, I'm so excited too! Nakky's gonna be such a blast! In-cabin sugar potluck, traditional Nakamun grounders games, post-finals girls cabin informal year end party...oh yeah, and quizzing! As for study methods, for me 5-verse + audio works best to memorize material first, then timelines, highlighting and flashcards for review. Study methods vary from person to person, so I'd just say use whatever methods you find help you know the material best. I don't really know...maybe your best method IS using ALL the methods! Who knows...


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