I actually have a topic for this blog!!! No, its not a website update, but I have a blog topic! Thank you, Taylor, for inspiring me to write about...

Post-Quizzing Syndrome.

I mean, I don't know about you, but I miss quizzing a LOT, I mean, quiz meets, weekly practices, blogging about everything, flashcards and the pressure to keep them updated... and quizzing in general. Actually, let me be corny for a second... I miss you! See, during the quizzing year, I blog, and Patricia and a few of you people reading on the internet comment, and I put tips on my website... :o)

Okay, corniness aside, post-quizzing syndrome. Almost all of us go through this stage between finals and the first quiz practice for the year, or even the first meet! So I decided to speculate on this.

In my opinion, its what happens when you're working really hard for something, getting into the habit of working on it, and all of the sudden its gone. For myself and my fellow study-a-holics, studying is a way of life and Quizzing is a label. WHAT do we do with ourselves after quizzing's over? Then there's the post-quiz MEET syndrome, that we get close to minutes after jumping into our vehicles immediately after quiz meets since we're not studying or running from quiz to quiz after the afternoon events. Being the person that I am, flashcards and studying and copywork become my life and its like fracturing my neck but not breaking it and putting me into intense pain to not study THAT suddenly. Its breaking my natural cycle. Ex

Now, what about pre-quizzing syndrome? This is what I use to refer to the week before the first practice when you've either gone crazy over the Summer and get extremely anxious, even though its just a practice, or you really have to push and pull yourself into studying and getting used to jumping at practice again.

So what I'm asking for this post is, what are YOUR cures? Have any tips for either of these?

My answer: Post-quiz meet: study and go hard at practices. Post-quizzing: do jump rope or something ACTIVE. Pre-quizzing: Just study... it makes you feel better about your first practice either way.

I might be wrong. What are your opinions? All, like, 60 of you that view my site and never comment except like 4 of you?

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