Is that even a word? I'm not sure.  But April once again is awesome and has reminded me that I haven't blogged announcing the next quiz meet yet, like I usually do!  Obviously, Winter break has taken a bit of a toll on my mind (and as my team would testify, my quizzing :oS).  But I do have a list of valid excusees including the following (yes, I'm about to list a bunch of excuses for not blogging):
It's January, and not only does my dance school have our recital in the beginning of January, the 25th of the month is Robbie Burns Day, and Highland dancers are naturally super busy around that time.  I had a dance performance yesterday and I will have another one tomorrow.  If that's not excuse enough, my class was also working on new choreograpy at the beginning of December that we had just over a month to prepare, and I have a championship that I've been preparing to enter in, so I've been super dedicated to my dancing lately. Not that I haven't been trying to study as much quizzing as possible, of course.
Also, I've been really busy with my new job at Jysk.  At one point I was working 20 hours in one week, although now it has eased up considerably to 7 hours, 6 this week.  I literally wore pieces of dance costumes under my work clothes twice this week.
Annnnd I am now co-directing (coaching and choreographing for, scheduling practices for, writing letters to the parents of) a dance team at my church.  Which if you lie in Edmonton you need to ask me about because it is awesome. 
So if that's not excuse enough to have been caught up and not available to blog much, you either aren't a dancer, or didn't actually read the last few paragraphs.

But, yes, thus is my life.  My flashcards are WAY behind, my blog hasn't been updated since... did I even blog about the last quiz meet? At all?  Man, do I have some catching up to do!

So, let's start with the last quiz meet.  Lots of fun stuff happened including a massive game of Gump that got slightly out of hand, falling flat on my face trying to do fouettes without warming up, running off to the mall during the break between prelims and championships... and oh yeah, QUIZZING :o)!
We had some really really good quizzes, all of which I am extremely proud of.  There was one really crappy quiz which I would prefer not to really talk about, which was our last quiz of the day (Lana almost fell asleep on the benches, actually. It was pretty funny), but it was a fun day in general.  Like normal, we took the long way around things, and placed 7th in Championships!  Without a stats sheet in front of me I don't remember how NEXT 2 placed, but they did really awesome. In my opinion, they could be in the Senior bracket but *shrug*.  They're doing awesome.
Personally, I placed 8th in the championship bracket which is a huge success! Not a personal best, but awesome nonetheless.

This next quiz meet is just... Gah.  I'm too tired most of the time to really force myself to get pumped (dancing takes a lot of emotional, mental, and physical energy which I don't seem to have a lot of lately).  However, while well-rested and caffienated, the thought of it sends my stomach butterflies insane.  Without caffiene I'm not panicking though, so I guess that's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.  Bad thing because I am WAAAAAY behind and a little bit of freaking out could do my quizzing a lot of good.

I'm looking into binaural beats for focus and high brain activity, and I'll let you guys know what my experience is. Right now I'm desperate so I'll try almost anything.

Quesiton of the blog: Do you get less motivated over the Winter months? I sure do.... this happens every year!

Anywhoodiddles.  There is studying to be done and I have a dance out tomorrow and I don't really have the time to be blogging :oP



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