Well, I finally got around to creating the blog about the Vauxhall meet.  The drive was, like, 6 hours so that's naturally where I'm going to start this blog.
We watched, according to my request, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat (I got it on DVD for Christmas), Star Trek, Kung Fu Panda 2... We were watching movies for almost the entire ride, if we weren't sitting around making odd noises at each other.  I'm serious.  Braeden and I were definitely talking weird almost the entire time we were in the van.  We stopped at Scott's Parable where I got 4 CD's for 8 bucks (W00T!) and we continued on to Lindon where we stopped for some amazing lunch and the best pie in the world, and it was generally an awesome ride down.
Quizzing starts, not a great first quiz.  I don't remember if I erred out or just didn't do very well but we weren't too happy with that quiz.  -shrug- 
The hotel was fun... We went to Boston Pizza despite our experience with the wait times there at the last meet, and headed back to the hotel to enjoy it while watching the last 20 minutes or so of the King's Speech.  It was interesting from what I remember but I don't remember much... I had melatonin in my system and I was doing flashcards (let me know about any typos... I am sure that there are several)
I woke up against my better judgement at 5 in the morning and tried to focus on my studying as I couldn't get back to sleep.  Patricia insisted that 7 was the best time to meet for breakfast so that's when Lana and I went down, eventually no longer making any resemblance to zombies and getting pumped for the rest of the meet.
The rest of the meet was kind of a blur.  NEXT 1 was either really tired or just not prepared enough... We ended up in consolation in the afternoon despite a WXYZ quiz that went a thousand times better than the rest of the morning.  Didn't do too well in consolation either, though, so I guess it was a good thing that we didn't end up in championships... we would've gotten crushed.  As Jon said, it was a lesson in humility if anything...  A reminder that even if we had a good meet last meet and a good year last year doesn't mean we can study less or not try as hard.  I think it was also a reminder that getting into championships, doing well... They're things to be proud of.  Puts things into perspective.
NEXT 2, however, rocked the socks off of the meet, winning the Rookie Division finals!  (They were amazing.  Seriously.  NEXT 1 could learn a few things from them).
The drive home was filled with G.I. Joe and studying... Chapter 8.  You'd think that I'd give myself a bit of review time after that meet... Heh.  It probably would've been a really good idea.  But at least I'm really good at chapter 8.  Its an easier chapter but I'm good at it now.
From the ride home I went straight to LAJ with Lana... It was an extremely surreal weekend, to be completely honest.
NEXT 2 has been keeping up the good work at practices and seem to be getting better every work, and NEXT 1 has, with renewed focus, gotten back on track and are ready for anything next weekend at the Southgate meet.  Well, almost anyways.
Once again, I am studying for my Highland theory and realizing how much my Quizzing is helping my Highland and vice-versa.  For example:  one thing my teacher told me at my private lesson once that has become my motto for the rest of the year: "They're not neccessarily better than you... You're just not trying as hard as they are."  I feel like I haven't been trying as hard this year, and I feel like keeping that in the forefront of my mind will remind me that it isn't an issue of being a 'good quizzer'... It's a matter of effort and trying hard.
Anyways, I'll blog about the upcoming meet another time.  I only have up to chapter 5 in flashcards done and I really need those things...
Question of the blog:  How was the last meet for you guys?  Learn anything new?
Quizzers Unite!

4/2/2012 08:52:36 am

Goodness me!!! I have been so busy since the last meet, it's hard to believe that it's already been a month!!!!
Well... I learned that the more you study, the better you know your material!!!! Haha!!! Jk.... I knew that before, but I hadn't really "taken it to heart." I also learned that if I specialize in CR's again, I am going to go at it really hard.... but I think I would rather do MA's and possibly Situation questions next year for Matthew!! Another 800 verses!! Hmmm....... :P


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