Skip to the end if you wanna skip the ramblings and go right to website udates.

Anyways, I've heard this from a few other people and I'm definitely feeling like this myself, every single practice 'I'm not ready, I haven't studied enough...'
Remember that panic demon in my head? Its not even panic anymore. Its just a general not ready feeling. At this point I'm not sure I'm going to be able to catch up in time for the first meet of the year, in all honesty. I'm just... not on my best game. I don't really have the drive I usually have. Which is odd. And kinda disappointing cause as a result I'm not doing well in practices and as much I expect it, it still bugs me when I can't find an answer right away. SO I'm thinking of putting some stuff up on my study page... so question... how do you get yourself to study when your head and heart are like "STUDY!!!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!" But the entire rest of your being is like "Later. I can't reach my book from here. I'm too lazy to study right now. Zzzzzzz.". Or am I the only one with this problem? *sigh* as nobody bothers commenting anyways. Oh well. Fine. Don't comment.

Anyways, 2 new tips in Nerves. Thats the update. Happy now? LOL! Jk... Wake me up when practice starts, k? Zzzzz... Jk again... maybe... LOL!

Quizzers Unite

9/20/2010 01:54:39 pm

Hey Maegan!
That's unfortunate that you can't get much motivation! You'll be in my prayers! But, remember... Romans 8:28 says... "All things work together for the good of those who love him."
For me... It's going incredibly good. Last year, I memorized really weird, and so I couldn't quote well at all - just chapter 1, and 13. But this year, I am making sure that I memorize things paragraph by paragraph... so now I can quote my whole 3 chapters pretty good.
I haven't even started school yet! It's crazy! And now I might end up going bear hunting up north, and after that, I have some friends that are coming to stay at my house who were in Japan as missionary's. So I don't think I'll start school until the beginning of October! I wonder how that will turn out...?

7/13/2012 06:51:28 am

Nice one info, thanks


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