I woke up this morning, turned on my light and studied.  I usually don't do this, but this morning I realised its a quiz meet day... HELLO WCD-ers!! AND WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL STRESS DAY! Then I realised it was, like, 3 in the morning and decided I can't quiz if I don't sleep so I only studied for an hour.

This meet is going to be... different. I am very happy to be on a team with Laura and Henry, but sad I'm not with the beans :o(.  Oh well... the Beans (and Laura!) are going to be re-united for the next meet. 

Text has been super helpful to know, but I hate references. So thank goodness me, Lana, and Patricia had time to study together... I still wouldn't know a *cough* certain verse *couch 4:5 cough cough* that we spent *cough 15 minutes cough cough* memorizing... that was kinda funny... I made a pot of tea in the time we finished on THAT ONE VERSE! LOL!

But I guess we're all going to see how useful another study day was at the meet.  Last year I placed 5th in consolation in my first meet... and I was a rookie, so I think this one's going to be relatively less tense than practice until there are 2 or more NEXT teams in one room... then its ON! Like JAM on TOAST! LOL!

Anyways, good luck to all of you with quiz meets this weekend, have fun and do your best!
7/13/2012 05:13:47 am

THX for info


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