Yeah, I know this is kinda last-minute for most of y'all but I FINALLY got some flashcards done. I mean, I had some done before but not enough that I was about to post about them. That would be embarassing. But anyways: FLASHCARDS! Knock yourselves out, kids:

So. We at WCD are approaching quiz meet #1... the regional. My outlook on this meet: Positive. We have some pretty die-hard rookies and I'm actually caught up all the way for once! No cramming for me! I'm not stressing yet (well,no more than I usually do at quizzing) but that'll come in due time.

Speaking of cramming, the week of chapter 3 (2 weeks ago) we had pretty much THE worst practice ever. We as a team made, what was it... 17? Errors IN A ROW. Blech. It was horrible.  Thankfully last week we redeemed ourselves and had some amazing quizzing going on!

Tonight is an important practice for me... This will give me an idea of what I need to be studying this week right before the meet... Which verses and sections I need to work on more than others.  Not that I won't be studying it ALL but y'know. I didn't post this in the last blog, but for every error I get this year in practices, I write that verse out for one page... 30 times. Yeah, probably overkill but I figure that it's constructive in the end. Besides, it keeps me busy and errors suck. After Great West I did something similar (every verse once for every error I got there... Never ended up finishing that) but it was WAY too much and too sudden.  Heh heh.

So... That brings me to the question of this blog (I can't believe I've been able to keep these up)... I know I already asked about weird quizzing habits, but I never asked about studying... Do you do anything weird when you're studying that nobody else does (or is willing to say they do)? For me, it's the 30-verse thing, and probably the fact that if I take breaks, I lose every bit of motivation to study I had. I have to study in lonnng sessions or I just don't.  Every

Anywhoo. I'm going on for too long. *steps off of soapbox*

Quizzers Unite!!


9/24/2012 01:19:19 pm

you happen to be right on all that publish


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