So... 3 days left. How's everybody feeling? A bit nervous? Excited? Study-a-holic? Is that even a feeling? In any case... Nakamun is in 3 days and I think I speak for everybody at NEXT when I say... we're PUMPED!

I'm taking advantage of this pumped-ness and doing some research on memory skills and stuff for the very LAST minute. Smart, hey? (I know, I know... its not) BUT I got a new rookie tip and a new nerves tip... and there are studying tips still to come!

Anyways, I need to get back to studying.

Question: How do YOU know you (or your teammate) is pumped?

3 days left WCD... hope you're ready, and I'll see you then!

4/27/2010 06:10:32 am

How do I know you're pumped? You blog about it!! Lana usually just seems excited, my brother studies, I bounce and keep repeating how much fun we'll have and yeah, I don't really know how to tell if the others are pumped.

We'll have a blast. I'm dissapointed we won't all be in the same cabin, but we'll still have a blast!!! AND, we'll be in the same cabin, so we can still continue with opperation KNARP (plus a few minor changes due to present circumstances...)
Oh, and I found new "missions" for KNARP!! I'll call you...

4/27/2010 07:42:50 am

i can tell that my friend is happy when she emails me and says that she is really excited for Nakamun. :) I, on the other hand, don't get super excited about going to a tournament till the night before. :)

I am still hoping to read and quote 1 Corinthians to myself before this tournament. :) For some reason I have way more motivation to study that I have had in a long time. Maybe the fact that this will be my last tournament till this fall. Or maybe it's because I was just at Great West... who knows. I sure don't. =D


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