Let me explain the title first, kay? Thanks.
I am going through culture shock right now. I mean, come on, in the real world you actually have to get a non-quizzing EDUCATION!!! LOL!
Second, I didn't sleep well last night.
And third, I know this is going to be a looong blog.

So for those of you who haven't been reading my blog since the last quiz meet, I went to Great West last weekend! It was SO MUCH FUN! Lets get stats over with before I start going into all the emotional and psychological and sleep-related blogging, shall we? I placed 21st (YESSS!) with an average of 12.5 and my team placed 5th!!! So, yeah, that was really exciting.

But that wasn't particularily why it was such a fantabulous quiz meet. I mean, partially but you catch my drift. I was on a great team... me, Renae, Sarah, Carrie (if you're reading this and know I spelled it wrong please comment the actual spelling) and Kimmy, and we worked pretty well together. I mean, we all cooperated pretty well together and it was a worthwhile weekend to attend.

It was definitely a learning weekend. I mean, I've NEVER been confident enough to jump WAY too early and just throw out a random answer. Either of them! I've NEVER done ANYTHING to do with strategy... our strategy at NEXT has always been to try to jmp early and get points. I never knew there were certain amounts of types of questions in each quiz, and I never really counted or noticed how many syllables other people were jumping on. AND I have never NOT panicked at a quiz meet. Great West was a GREAT quiz meet for learning how to quiz better, and for making friends with people you absolutely hate quizzing against (cause thery're so good, right? Its not that I HATE anybody, I just hate quizzing on a different team than them.

Oh yeah, one more thing I learned at Great West: At least TRY to sleep if you know you have to wake up the next morning at 7:30. Zzzzzz....

Speaking of sleep (I know, this is getting long) I was planning on listening to the material in my sleep so I was just listening to it and drifting off and my mind started going bonkers... I mean I guess there was this character I unconsciously made up named Bob. And Bob did not know how to read or write. And I thought Bob was so smart for saying all that cool stuff, and was wondering why he was so obsessed with the resurrection of the dead... then every now and then in the hour or so I spent thinking these things I'd realise a) Who's Bob? And b) Thats 1 and 2 Corinthians. Not... uh... Bob.

Okay, I've rambled at you long enough for one night. Gotta get going on the set of flashcards for my iPod... Need those for Nakamun!

OMG Nakamuns in less than 2 weeks!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *Freak out*

Until probably sometime this week, comment what you've learned from Quizzing this year!

Happy studying!

4/22/2010 02:28:05 am

Wow, great west sounded like a blast!! I know I've said this before, but I think splitting that creamegg with a pocketknife and a quiz book on the way back from Great West was the funnest van-load-of-quizzers-coming-from-a-meet-moment we've had since calling into the radio on the way to Reddeer!

Well, I'm off to the flashcards!
Thanks for the site!
(PS--when are we gonna have our annual pre-nakamun prank-planning/study session???)

6/2/2010 03:33:38 pm

I just found your site today...because I was bored and procrastinating my social studies homework. But you told me to tell you how to spell my name, so yup, Carey. No worries, everyone gets it wrong. :P


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