Okay, admit it, you loved Nakamun. And if you're outside of WCD, you would've. Great environment to quiz in, let me tell you! I never realised how awesome it was last year, I guess, but now I do! I can't wait to be back!

Lets get stats and freakouts out of the way here: I placed 7th this meet, 10th all year, and my team placed 7th!!! AAAAAH!! I'm so excited! Everybody did so well this meet... we had some pretty good quizzes!

Okay, so, from the beginning of the meet. I arrived, book in hand, waiting to get the whole registration thing over with, hand in my Internationals application, get my stuff in the cabin I was in and get at it. Then I lost my spot in line. Why? Cause Alannah decided to start my chain of screaming reunions with the other Great West people. :o) It was so awesome to see all of them (or you... you know who you are :o) ) again... 2 weeks seemed so slow!

So I got everything handed in and stuff, found the cabin me and Patricia were staying in (with Edmonton Chinese... so happy we were with them... they weren't awake and loud all night!) after a mix-up and went to the little meeting thingy before the meet. The picture slideshow wa awesome... although NEXT didn't really send in any pictures so every other team had a photo up there except us. We were a cool font on a black screen. Yeah. Cause we're cool.

Then quizzing started... started the meet off strong-ish... quizzing out with 1 error. It ended up being a pretty good night from there... but I must've been too tired to remember what I was doing the rest of the night. All I remember is that the next morning, Patricia and I, well rested and excited, passed notes and got ready to go to breakfast. The day after that was almost nonstop quizzing, except for the half hour breaks we got and lunch, and in the afternoon after we got knocked out of championships and decided to go take photos with the team. Most of them are pretty hillarious... I must say... but we DID get one or two quality photos.

At the end of the afternoon I participated in the qualifiers quiz!!! It was a lot of fast jumping and seemed to go on forever, with a few time-outs and time between sets of questions, and i loved every second of it! I didn't make it onto the team, but I promised myself that next year I'd get my quote numbers memorized and do even better!

We ate supper after that and, again, I don't really remember what happened after that other than the fact that Edson 1 placed 2nd in the consolation finals!!! W00T!

Then we had awards... Alannah placed 2nd in consolation... Congrats! Great job to everybody who did so well at finals this year... there was some pretty fierce competition out there and it wouldn't have been HALF as fun without it!

So who's ready for next year? Are you studying already? Or are you taking a break? Any grade 12's out there? Any future quizmasters? Coaches? Scorekeepers? Answer judges?

Hm.... I need another question... how did you feel about your finals? Were they awesomeness fun? How did you do?

Well, I'm out. I'm taking a short break before I go hardcore on John. Watch out my new quizhelper... you'll never be the same!

Have fun with your summer break everybody, unless you're going to Internationals... then its not really a break... have fun there too!

Quizzers Unite!

I am SO excited for Finals!

And you know what? There's only 5 days left including today! Freak out much!

Its a happy excited, though, I promise... although I can't help but bring back memories from last year's Nakamun experience... To the rest of NEXT 1: I PROMISE it WON'T happen again this year...

Since Great West I've been trying to turn on my Corinthians stuff so I can listen to it in my sleep and its all been going fine so far, I think its working... but I won't post it on studying tips until I check it out with some online sources... Right now I don't know WHICH methods are working and which ones aren't since I'm pretty much using almost all of them around the same time... is that a good idea? AAAH! What are your opinions...?

Well, this is the last stretch of studying for the year, hey? Paul will definietely be missed... at least I'll miss him if nobody else does. Get ready for another gospel, time flies!

Question: Any last minute tips for Finals? What tips have worked the best for you?

I know I have a lame blog title today.

Now that THAT is over with... I will tell you the reason I interrupted your studying. The quiz meet ended yesterday... I was continually saying: I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS!!!

Okay, so we left after stopping at a grocery store to get some mangos (brain food) and drove to Red Deer. Studied for a bit, but ended up doing way random stuff... like lip-synching at cars (?). The first thing we did was check in to the hotel, lie around a bit, and me and Patricia threw questions at each other. Then we went to the mall... which was a good thing because I didn't pack a toothbrush, pyjamas, or my stress balls (I had 2). So we went to the mall and I desparately searched for a fidget toy and a cheap toothbrush... and finally as we were looking through Claire's... I FOUND IT! And by 'it' I mean, a totally adorable new stress ball that was pink with green hair! I also got a toothbrush... but who cares about that?

Then we went back to the hotel and enjoyed the cinnamon buns my mom bought us (thank you mom!) and... again... went through a bunch of questions.  Finally, it was time. Time to get in the van and freak out speed-studying the entire way to the church. Then we had our first quiz... which was an interesting one... and then our second quiz... which was also... interesting. The second 'I must blog' moment:

Think about this for a second. Your team has erred their way to 0. You have 2 wrong, so 1 more error and you're out. You are terrified out of your bejeebes that you'd be the reason the team would lose and all that stuff that's going through your head when you haven't slept enough and you're almost erred out. Thats what happened. I jumped early on 16th (I think?) question and 10 seconds in found the verse, got it right. Got the question. Started laughing??? LOL! I mean, 2 questions later I erred out... but the team pulled our 0 (before that question) up to 100 before the end of the quiz!!

How did we do the rest of the meet? Well, we all got our usual quiz meet sleep or more (some got 8 hours, some 4... my usual just happens to be 1.5 so thats what I got), our team pulled it together just in time to win WXYZ (thank goodness), and went on to get 12th place in the championships. I'm not sure how the rest of the NEXTer's did, but I came in 11th (I pulled my act together after that err-out and quizzed out 3 times in the afternoon), Jon and I qualified for Great West, and Patricia is a fill-in if anyone can't go... I am 100% going, and I haven't heard if Jon and Patricia have made final decisions yet, or  if anyone couldn't make it, but I know they were both ecstatic about getting that far!

Chapters 8-13 for Great West... anyone reading my blog going? Anyone from outside of WCD reading my blog going?

I'm sorry this was so long... I just had so much to write about!!! I am so excited about everything!!
(read to the last paragraph) Wow... was that ever an amazing meet! And not only stats-wise... It was just overall fun and exciting! Our teams... us NEXTicans... we spent a lot of time together, talked about completely unrelated topics, I actually wasn't too uptight (not that I would notice usually) and everybody was WAY positive.  We had ups and downs... quizzes ranging from 270 points to 60... and lot of errors, challenges, and quiz-outs... but that just makes quizzing even more exciting! 

For this meet our rivals were Southgate 1 and 2... had two quizzes with both of them and a third quiz with team 2... and by the third quiz (the semi-semi finals) we had calmed down and started doing really well... so that quiz was a nail-biter for all 3 teams.  One of the fun things is after our first quiz with both Southgate teams, team 2's coach talked to me and Jon and told us that we'd be more competitive if we stopped psyching ourselves out... and we were thinking of that every quiz after that... thus we did well... so if anybody has contact with him... tell him thanks again from NEXT 1!!!

Speaking of thanks... thanks to all the WCD'ers out there who gave us a great meet!  There is no way we would've had so much fun without some stiff competition!

As for personal scores... we at NEXT are creeping our way up the stats... I came in 10th and Jon came in 15th... and I bet the rest of us did well, too... and even if we didn't... we had fun!

One more thing... I wish somebody had videotaped this... there was one question in a certain quiz that I jumped on... What importance? and I thought it was what important s... so once I realised that I didn't even bother standing up... I just sat there hanging my head... until I finally got it... It wasn't even a quick 'oh!'... it was a 'what-is-Maegan-thinking' moment... I leaped (leapt?) Out of my seat... quickly DANCED over to the microphone, threw my hands up and practically yelled 'FIRST IMPORTANCE!!!!'... That quizmaster will NEVER forget me!
Yes, friends, WCD's second regional meet just happens to be TOMORROW! Get ready... NEXT has been practicing!!

I've been sick since yesterday with a cold... so I'll just quickly blog about hte last practice we had and the new page I'm starting.

Let's start with the new page. I'm getting a LOT of Twitter followers from the Highland dance community etc. asking what quizzing is... and I cannot explain quizzing in 180 characters or less... so I'm starting that page so I can send a link to those people when I'm asked about quizzing... and you too! LOL That was sooo cheesy!

And now the practice... it went pretty well for the most part... Although the extra last-minute practice tomorrow afternoon is going to be VERY helpful! Smilez!

Anyways... I guess I'll see some of you at the meet... good luck to everybody in WCD!

Aren't they so amazing? Both teams had a good practice today... actually since there were no distractions (on Mondays, theres usually a dance thingy going on) it was great!  Music practice after was WAY better than it was on Monday... and I'm actually pretty excited to be doing worship for the meet... almost as much as I am for the meet itself!

As the meet gets closer I'm starting to look at my Nerves page over and over... a lot of new ideas are coming to me... check them out!

Wow... guys... theres so much going on right now I can't even catch up with my own website!!! What does that say about my schedule...?

I feel like I haven't updated anything in FOREVER! Sorry to all the 10 people that have viewed my site today... nothing new till now!

Wow... quiz meet NEXT week... and coincidentally NEXT is going to hit this one out of the park at our base... thats right folks... the NEXT meet is at NEXT! LOL!

Hope y'all have been studying... adding the second book is going to be a little confuzzling! Hit the flashcards, check out the tips and methods I put up... crack open the book as much as you can in one week! AAAAH! STRESS!!!!

I just posted some new stuff in the nerves section... and I was thinking about something to post in the Rookies and Studying sections but I lost it... it'll come back to me... I hope... unless its like a question from chapter 16... I GOT IT I GOT IT ITS.... gone. Boo. LOL!

That's it for now.  I'll be blogging about our last practices before the big meet (eee!) after they happen. Yes, that includes our bonus practice tomorrow. If you feel like it, comment about your final practices before your meets... more intense? Less intense?

Hey Whoever is reading my blog!

As you guessed (probably cause I have like 4 posts about it) there was a quiz meet last weekend... and it went pretty great! My team, NEXT 1, was 7th in the championships, and NEXT 2 came in... 5th Consolation? I think? The scores still aren't up, but Tara on NEXT 2 came in 4th in consolation... congratulations Tara if you're reading this!! Every single person on NEXT got at least 1 question right... yay! It was a prett tough meet, though, let me tell you, I, personally, went from quiz-out with no error to erring out with 3 correct... and it was crazy! NEXT 2 had 5 people, which means they had to have a sub, but from what I know (we always ended up quizzing at the same time).

Anyways, congrats to all the other teams too!

How did the rest of y'all do at the quiz meet??? Comment please!! Unless you have a life and really don't have the time.
Okay, so I am still shaking so I'm going to try to type this without sounding too excited. I JUST got first place at the quiz meet!  Eeeee! Very exciting! Anyways, my team got to semi-finals in the Championship rounds, which is AMAZING especially considering it wasn't the 'dream team'. NEXT 3 also made it to semi's, but in the Consolation.  NEXT 2 made it to the semi-semi's! Great job guys!

And great job to everybody else who had quiz meets this weekend!  Northern Alberta: Thanks for some amazing competition!  I'll se y'all back in November!

Anyways, next meet we might have the Beans back! So very excited!

Question for those commenting: What was your favorite moment at a quiz meet?  Do you have a dream team... even if it doesn't exist yet?
I woke up this morning, turned on my light and studied.  I usually don't do this, but this morning I realised its a quiz meet day... HELLO WCD-ers!! AND WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL STRESS DAY! Then I realised it was, like, 3 in the morning and decided I can't quiz if I don't sleep so I only studied for an hour.

This meet is going to be... different. I am very happy to be on a team with Laura and Henry, but sad I'm not with the beans :o(.  Oh well... the Beans (and Laura!) are going to be re-united for the next meet. 

Text has been super helpful to know, but I hate references. So thank goodness me, Lana, and Patricia had time to study together... I still wouldn't know a *cough* certain verse *couch 4:5 cough cough* that we spent *cough 15 minutes cough cough* memorizing... that was kinda funny... I made a pot of tea in the time we finished on THAT ONE VERSE! LOL!

But I guess we're all going to see how useful another study day was at the meet.  Last year I placed 5th in consolation in my first meet... and I was a rookie, so I think this one's going to be relatively less tense than practice until there are 2 or more NEXT teams in one room... then its ON! Like JAM on TOAST! LOL!

Anyways, good luck to all of you with quiz meets this weekend, have fun and do your best!