Yeah... check it out, a title with no song reference!! Please excuse me while I have a random 2 minute dance party with only myself.

Anyways, in honour of the 'OH MY GOSH I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE WEEK LEFT' spirit that is probably hanging around with your quiz teams, whether its welcome or not, I have posted another study method and another Rookie tip.

Yes, Ii did say in my comment response to Patricia that I wasn't going to make another post, but this HAD to be out there, because I just remembered the tips I wanted to put onto the site and I was itching to tell you people!

And, just for the sake of it, here's another link to the flashcards for John:

They're almost one for this meet, I swear! Bear with me people... they'll be done sooner than later, probably by later tonight okay? Okay.

I don't have a question for this blog. Go to my earlier blogs and answer my other questions... I like seeing people's comments and answers! It seriously makes my day when I get an email wrom Weebly saying 'you have a comment'! Honestly, I'm not that pathetic in real life. Wait. Am I? Hey Patricia, a little help here??? LOL!

Quizzers UNITE!

Fine, I'll admit it, I was about to go into another song reference. You know you're a band freak when...

Anyways, I've managed to pick up on something strange in the reccent past... something very very strange... when I'm doing copywork, or flashcards, or studying of almost any form f that matter, I tend to know what it is, then freak out and check it in my book, look away, look back at the book, and repeat this, like, 9 times or something around there. I mean, I'll realise that it is, in fact, correct, but I'll just keep looking back to make sure I read it right or something. I guess I'm just extremely nervous and paranoid when it comes to this kind of stuff... should this be a quizzing disease? I think so. Paranoid Quizzing disease: A diease of the mind of a quizzer in which the quizzer can't stop checking and double checking that the information they think, or know, that they know, is 100% valid.

That brings me to a question: Do YOU have paranoid quizzer disorder???

Quizzers Unite!

Pardon my Alesana reference... if you don't know what that means, don't try to find out... just for those of you who...

Okay, I'll stop being obsessive. This blog is really, really, late. Who missed me :D??? *cricket sound effect* FINE! I'll just write this blog to myself. Dear me...

I'm kidding. Anyways, due to the lateness of this blog I still haven't reported on how the first quiz meet of the year went. For me, it was definitely an exercise of self-control... not only are the standards of jumping in John much slower than Corinthians but I was told by many people at numerous different times to *not* quiz out all the time, slow down and let the rookies get used to jumping... and I tried! I really did, I swear! But... like I said, controlling my jumping? Not my forte.

In the end of it all, NEXT came first in both divisions, championships and consolation, my team being in consolation, I placed first in consolation and Jon placed first in championships and Patricia placed 3rd in championships and we were all umping around in room 1 and sqealing about how much of a coincidence it was...

Anyways, mixed feelings towards that quiz meet, cause as slow as I was trying to jump I still managed to get an error in all but 2 quizzes... Oh well. Just means I should be studying more, right?

So.... another quiz meet in less than 2 weeks... WHAAAAAT? Where did the time go? Oh, I know, NaNoWriMo (writing a 50,000 word rough draft of a novel in one month)... darn it. No... I shouldn't use writing a novel in a month as an excuse... I really should be studying more... so last night I got my word count 3,000 over so I could study...

Question: What's your biggest distraction from studying? I doubt I'm going to get any answers from that question. I really don't think anyone wants to say that.

Update on the car accident: Still a bit sore, but physiotherapy has been helping a lot and if all else fails, I've got all the right medication... (no I'm not a drug dealer...)

Anyways, back to the books, keep sending stuff in... COMMENT! Please? April gets 5 stars for commenting on my last blog :o)

Quizzers UNITE!!!!

So for those of you who aren't from NEXT or on my Facebook friends list, I am panicking right now. Why? I was in a car accident yesterday morning. The idiot was sleeping on the wheel (whether he was drunk, high, stoned, or a combination of any of the above is beyond me) and rear-ended oiur vehichle. Twice. I freaked out and went into shock. Nearly passed out, got whiplash, and the seatbelt didn't lock so my back was strained a bit. While its taking a major toll on our vehicle, the first thing I thought about while I called 911 was oh my gosh... how am I going to quiz like this? I had my book with me, and skipped Ballet to study in the Emergency Room. Between the accident and now, I've taken 3300 mg of medication for my back and neck soreness cream and not wanted to do anything... alas, I continued to teach my Ballet class this morning, and now my neck and back are killing me again. Time to raise that total to 3800, huh? Thats what I was told to do though, once every 5-6 hours, or whenever the pain starts to come back again. I got nothing for the nausea and dizziness, but I'm assuming 'brain food' will be out of the question this weekend, as it has been since yesterday.

This relates to quizzing how, you ask? Well, how in the WORLD can anyone expect me to jump like this? WHY did this happen the day before a quiz meet? So, I'm looking around for tips on how to quiz with an injury to add to the nerves page. I mean, I've quizzed with a disadvantage before (Nakamun I had a sprained ankle and a high fever, remember? Before that I'd quizzed with headaches, pulled groins, half asleep... nothing like THIS) but it was minor and I could push through it.

Sorry for the rantiness thus far, lets get to the interesting stuff that people want to read.

That is an understatement to how the little person in my head is freaking out. I'm not totally sure if that little person is okay... maybe I need to take her to a shrink one of these days, but yes, FREAKING OUT is my instinct! My text is all recited, lots of copywork is done, and I'm psyched! 2.5 hours away isn't all that much you know!

Anyways, tips still accepted.

Question: What do you do to get ready for a quiz meet? If I asked this before, I'm asking it again just for the sake of it! W00T!

Quizzers Unite!!!!!

No, not the entire thing.

Well, yeah, kinda. But you know. I meant THIS particular post. I'm just guessing since the quiz meet is on Friday, which is in... holy crap... 2 SLEEPS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (enter freak-out here)

Anyways, I've got this week off of school to do nothing but study, study, study, sleeps, and... study. So I'm taking a short break right now.

Its Wednesday. Wow. Last practice is tomorrow. I'm jumping way too fast and talking way too slow. I don't know my material enough. I NEED to study...
pre-meet syndrome. Did I write about that already?

Anyways, I'll stop while you're not sick of reading yet... or are you? LOL! Just getting pumped up!

Quizzers Unite!

And by 'it' I mean my emotional attatchment to Quizzing. Studying etc... starting to consume me again. The spark lit the forest on fire... right?

Anyways, I'm almost done the flashcards for the first meet.

OMG the first meet! Its one practice away after today... I know... what the heck? Where'd the time go? I'm kinda confused... I wish I'd been studying more earlier in the year....

Anyways, just thought I'd post those two things. This is short, I need to keep my flashcards, copywork and sutff up to date.

Quizzers Unite!

Okay.. ummm... I'm not sure I know how to put this... but... I'm already starting to feel the pressure for the first (and only this time around) Regional meet of the year. Like, the heat is coming, people, and Its about right to say that I'm freaking out a bit. Reality check: I need to be studying a LOT more! I've been doing better in practices but I need to be WAY more confident in what I think I know and that's only gonna happen if I start studying more. So I'll try to make this short.

Studying, quiz meets, stress? How are you feeling about all this? PLEASE COMMENT lol! April commented on my last blog :o) Thanks April!

Hmmmm... quiz meets... I'm totally re-doing my frustration plan. New year, had the whole Summer without it and now if I've changed at all it is useless. New frustration plan: ...Study? I don't know. I'll figure it out. Who wants me to post it when I get it figured out? (cricket-cricket) FINE! Gosh...

Anyways, like I said, this is short. Need to study. Quiz meet coming up. Stressed. Somebody comment. Please. You don't even have to use your real name. LOL!

Quizzers... UNITE!

Skip to the end if you wanna skip the ramblings and go right to website udates.

Anyways, I've heard this from a few other people and I'm definitely feeling like this myself, every single practice 'I'm not ready, I haven't studied enough...'
Remember that panic demon in my head? Its not even panic anymore. Its just a general not ready feeling. At this point I'm not sure I'm going to be able to catch up in time for the first meet of the year, in all honesty. I'm just... not on my best game. I don't really have the drive I usually have. Which is odd. And kinda disappointing cause as a result I'm not doing well in practices and as much I expect it, it still bugs me when I can't find an answer right away. SO I'm thinking of putting some stuff up on my study page... so question... how do you get yourself to study when your head and heart are like "STUDY!!!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!" But the entire rest of your being is like "Later. I can't reach my book from here. I'm too lazy to study right now. Zzzzzzz.". Or am I the only one with this problem? *sigh* as nobody bothers commenting anyways. Oh well. Fine. Don't comment.

Anyways, 2 new tips in Nerves. Thats the update. Happy now? LOL! Jk... Wake me up when practice starts, k? Zzzzz... Jk again... maybe... LOL!

Quizzers Unite

Okay, so I wasn't planning on writing two blogs about being excited for the first quiz practice of the year, but this morning I woke up and I was so excited I was dizzy. With excitement. I swear I'm not sick or anything. Really, I'm not. I was so excited that I (theoretically) commented on my own status!!! (my quizhelper's status...) I know. I'm a nerd.

But I woke up so excited that I HAD to blog about it!!! Its kinda weird, ya know? I've been studying for a long time now and I've got a lot of my text DONE... but I feel like I haven't studied enough... not even CLOSE to enough... its the most odd feeling in the world cause even though I am fully aware that I've been working my butt off all August there's still that little panic demon inside my head... like... OMG MAEGAN WHY ARE YOU ENJOYING THE NICE WEATHER WHILE YOU HAVE IT YOU NEED TO BE STUDYING YOU DONT KNONW THE MATERIAL!!!!! GFDJKHFSIOFHB AAAAAAAH! I call this pre-practice quizzers syndrome. Pre-quizzing syndrome was already taken. See my blog about quizzers diseases.

SO thats the panic inside my head right now, pushing all logic aside and eating my brain from the inside out.

To think that yesterday I described my feeling towards this year starting as numb... I mean, I'm copying down my own jumping tips... (seriously. I'm not kidding.)

K, so I really need someone to comment. Fill in the blank. Please.
I'm SO excited for quizzing to start I _________________.

Please. SOMEBODY comment!

Don't get too excited, but I'm probably gonna blog tonight after practice. (troll: GET OFF THE INTERNET!)

*sigh* Quizzers unite!! WOOT!

Its kind of a numb feeling right now, with everything starting back up... you know that feeling? Like, woah, everythings happening?

Well, for me everything's starting on Tuesday. Almost. I'm back to doing homeschool stuff, I have Highland dance for the first time this year, and the first quiz practice of the year was moved to Tuesday. I'm going to be late on the first day... I know... seriously Maegan? *sigh* But what am I supposed to do? Ditch dance class? They aren't at the same time, but I'm going to be busting my butt tearing out of dance and right to quizzing. I apologize in advance for being late, fellow NEXTers. :o(

But... the numb feeling... I've been stressing all Summer about how much I'm studying... too much? Too little? I had Summer school to deal with and stuff... I resorted to going over the rule book once a day to keep me occupied with something I can obseess over... its crazy... and now I'm just... blank. Its all too crazy.

Anyways, since my last blog I made a Facebook for, get this, my quizhelper. As everyone posts about how overly obsessed I am about my quizhelper... It may not be the right time to let you know that my status on Facebook is now 'in a relationship with Quizhelper'. I'm a nerd. Oh well. What are you gonna do about it?

So who's starting soon? How's everyone adjusting to John, and getting back to studying? And if nothing else, at least comment about how nerdy I am for making my quizhelper a facebook. At least you'll be commenting. I look at the view and the number of comments and they don't line up with each other!
