Skip to the end if you wanna skip the ramblings and go right to website udates.

Anyways, I've heard this from a few other people and I'm definitely feeling like this myself, every single practice 'I'm not ready, I haven't studied enough...'
Remember that panic demon in my head? Its not even panic anymore. Its just a general not ready feeling. At this point I'm not sure I'm going to be able to catch up in time for the first meet of the year, in all honesty. I'm just... not on my best game. I don't really have the drive I usually have. Which is odd. And kinda disappointing cause as a result I'm not doing well in practices and as much I expect it, it still bugs me when I can't find an answer right away. SO I'm thinking of putting some stuff up on my study page... so question... how do you get yourself to study when your head and heart are like "STUDY!!!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!" But the entire rest of your being is like "Later. I can't reach my book from here. I'm too lazy to study right now. Zzzzzzz.". Or am I the only one with this problem? *sigh* as nobody bothers commenting anyways. Oh well. Fine. Don't comment.

Anyways, 2 new tips in Nerves. Thats the update. Happy now? LOL! Jk... Wake me up when practice starts, k? Zzzzz... Jk again... maybe... LOL!

Quizzers Unite

Okay, so I wasn't planning on writing two blogs about being excited for the first quiz practice of the year, but this morning I woke up and I was so excited I was dizzy. With excitement. I swear I'm not sick or anything. Really, I'm not. I was so excited that I (theoretically) commented on my own status!!! (my quizhelper's status...) I know. I'm a nerd.

But I woke up so excited that I HAD to blog about it!!! Its kinda weird, ya know? I've been studying for a long time now and I've got a lot of my text DONE... but I feel like I haven't studied enough... not even CLOSE to enough... its the most odd feeling in the world cause even though I am fully aware that I've been working my butt off all August there's still that little panic demon inside my head... like... OMG MAEGAN WHY ARE YOU ENJOYING THE NICE WEATHER WHILE YOU HAVE IT YOU NEED TO BE STUDYING YOU DONT KNONW THE MATERIAL!!!!! GFDJKHFSIOFHB AAAAAAAH! I call this pre-practice quizzers syndrome. Pre-quizzing syndrome was already taken. See my blog about quizzers diseases.

SO thats the panic inside my head right now, pushing all logic aside and eating my brain from the inside out.

To think that yesterday I described my feeling towards this year starting as numb... I mean, I'm copying down my own jumping tips... (seriously. I'm not kidding.)

K, so I really need someone to comment. Fill in the blank. Please.
I'm SO excited for quizzing to start I _________________.

Please. SOMEBODY comment!

Don't get too excited, but I'm probably gonna blog tonight after practice. (troll: GET OFF THE INTERNET!)

*sigh* Quizzers unite!! WOOT!

Its kind of a numb feeling right now, with everything starting back up... you know that feeling? Like, woah, everythings happening?

Well, for me everything's starting on Tuesday. Almost. I'm back to doing homeschool stuff, I have Highland dance for the first time this year, and the first quiz practice of the year was moved to Tuesday. I'm going to be late on the first day... I know... seriously Maegan? *sigh* But what am I supposed to do? Ditch dance class? They aren't at the same time, but I'm going to be busting my butt tearing out of dance and right to quizzing. I apologize in advance for being late, fellow NEXTers. :o(

But... the numb feeling... I've been stressing all Summer about how much I'm studying... too much? Too little? I had Summer school to deal with and stuff... I resorted to going over the rule book once a day to keep me occupied with something I can obseess over... its crazy... and now I'm just... blank. Its all too crazy.

Anyways, since my last blog I made a Facebook for, get this, my quizhelper. As everyone posts about how overly obsessed I am about my quizhelper... It may not be the right time to let you know that my status on Facebook is now 'in a relationship with Quizhelper'. I'm a nerd. Oh well. What are you gonna do about it?

So who's starting soon? How's everyone adjusting to John, and getting back to studying? And if nothing else, at least comment about how nerdy I am for making my quizhelper a facebook. At least you'll be commenting. I look at the view and the number of comments and they don't line up with each other!

Wow... It seems like its been forever since I've blogged! Since my last blog a bit had happened... and by a bit I mean a lot.

First of all, I recited 14 chapters of Text in 2 days. Yeah. I was that far behind.

I got the rest of the flashcard questions... they'll be caught up and everything in a few days.

I went to Great West practice (HALLELUJAH! Still excited...) and learned how to jump faster... now it won't be as frustrating to quiz against fast jumpers! :o)

I was in Love According to John where I nearly fell into the orchestra pit (but I didn't :oP) and lost about 5 days of studying... almost... I still studied but not as much as I should've.

Seriously... I'm not a very interesting person. I'd be more interesting if I'd give you the sweet details... but that'd take up a lot of blog space.

Anyone wanna send stuff in? I haven't added anything in a while!
I've been studying like a monster since the quiz meet, people. Like even more than normal. Like, more than MY normal. This is overkill. So I'm going to blog for a bit.

Wow... I am BLOWN AWAY!! Do you know how many views I got 3 days ago?? Do you want to know??? Of course you do... 120!!!! It makes me smile to know that people are actually finding worth and use in this website!!! Warm fuzzies much!

I just realised I have to study more than one chapter per week for Great West. I am freaking out about Great West. I am homestly. Freaking. Out. I mean, its like studying and practices take on a WHOLE different meaning... I mean, I WANT to get EVERY question I get right. I want to answer as MANY questions as I possibly can in an hour. I want to study ALL the time... it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. Motivation much?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just having a really good 2 weeks. Leave a comment cause nobody ever does... I'm going to try to ask a question you can comment on for every blog I make now... so this blogs question is: what motivates YOU? Bribery? Competition in meets? Or even practices? Tell me! Tell me! Please? Cause nobody ever comments. Except Patricia. And if SHE doesn't even comment on this I'll take a hint.

Have a great week, fellow quizzers, and check out the flashcards, chapter 8 is UP!

Aren't they so amazing? Both teams had a good practice today... actually since there were no distractions (on Mondays, theres usually a dance thingy going on) it was great!  Music practice after was WAY better than it was on Monday... and I'm actually pretty excited to be doing worship for the meet... almost as much as I am for the meet itself!

As the meet gets closer I'm starting to look at my Nerves page over and over... a lot of new ideas are coming to me... check them out!

Wow... guys... theres so much going on right now I can't even catch up with my own website!!! What does that say about my schedule...?

I feel like I haven't updated anything in FOREVER! Sorry to all the 10 people that have viewed my site today... nothing new till now!

Wow... quiz meet NEXT week... and coincidentally NEXT is going to hit this one out of the park at our base... thats right folks... the NEXT meet is at NEXT! LOL!

Hope y'all have been studying... adding the second book is going to be a little confuzzling! Hit the flashcards, check out the tips and methods I put up... crack open the book as much as you can in one week! AAAAH! STRESS!!!!

I just posted some new stuff in the nerves section... and I was thinking about something to post in the Rookies and Studying sections but I lost it... it'll come back to me... I hope... unless its like a question from chapter 16... I GOT IT I GOT IT ITS.... gone. Boo. LOL!

That's it for now.  I'll be blogging about our last practices before the big meet (eee!) after they happen. Yes, that includes our bonus practice tomorrow. If you feel like it, comment about your final practices before your meets... more intense? Less intense?

Hi Again Fellow Quizzers!

Theres only a week left until the first District meet of Corinthians, the second meet of the year... cram the material into your already-packed cranium while you can!

Yeah, one week.  I'm super-nervous. I don't even know what team I'm on... we haven't gotten any official signs that the Beans are a go since SOMEONE decided they didn't want a 5-person team. Cough. You know who you are. I'm not gonna put out any names.

Anyways, this meet is going to be difficult... I mean, I have a REP now, I have something to match. So my mind-set is to beat my record of a 5-question quiz-out. Troy didn't think I would last time... nobody did... but I did. So I'mma try that again. Smilez!

Anyways, QUIZZERS! Wherever you are out there! Give us NEXT quizzers a run for our money! Wait, theres no money involved... uh... scratch that...

Everybody get ready, have fun, study till your brain is going to crack your skull open, doze off in PE (actually, don't. That could end up painful. Doze off in... carreer planning. As if you don't already), set your goals, read the tips on the site, but overall, remember to keep your head in the game, and take a shot for first, cause you miss all the shots you never take. See some of y'all at Vanguard, the rest of you, peace out, and keep quizzing.
I woke up this morning, turned on my light and studied.  I usually don't do this, but this morning I realised its a quiz meet day... HELLO WCD-ers!! AND WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL STRESS DAY! Then I realised it was, like, 3 in the morning and decided I can't quiz if I don't sleep so I only studied for an hour.

This meet is going to be... different. I am very happy to be on a team with Laura and Henry, but sad I'm not with the beans :o(.  Oh well... the Beans (and Laura!) are going to be re-united for the next meet. 

Text has been super helpful to know, but I hate references. So thank goodness me, Lana, and Patricia had time to study together... I still wouldn't know a *cough* certain verse *couch 4:5 cough cough* that we spent *cough 15 minutes cough cough* memorizing... that was kinda funny... I made a pot of tea in the time we finished on THAT ONE VERSE! LOL!

But I guess we're all going to see how useful another study day was at the meet.  Last year I placed 5th in consolation in my first meet... and I was a rookie, so I think this one's going to be relatively less tense than practice until there are 2 or more NEXT teams in one room... then its ON! Like JAM on TOAST! LOL!

Anyways, good luck to all of you with quiz meets this weekend, have fun and do your best!
So, the first quiz meet is sneaking up on the Western Canadian Division WAY too early again. Tis the season for organizing study days/parties, dicussing team arrangements, studying way too much... and if that last one was surprising, you haven't met me yet! 2 practices left for our teams. This is happening WAY too soon!

I also have some bad news. The Beans might have to split up this year. WAAAAH! We have a wierd number of quizzers this year since one of the ppl left and we are left with 9. Which means either 3 teams of 3, or 2 teams, 1 of 4 and 1 of 5. I am kinda leaning towards 4 and 5. This way, The Beans are back and we can all have great meets. I'll blog when the descisioin is made.

Thanks for reading my rambling, by the way. The site has gotten AMAZING feedback! I just added a few more study methids and a few more rookie tips!